Hippolyte Flandrin

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Hippolyte Flandrin, self-portrait
Flandrin's grave in the Pere Lachaise cemetery

Hippolyte Flandrin (born March 23, 1809 in Lyon , † March 21, 1864 in Rome ) was a French painter .

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Hyppolite Flandrin and Henri Lehmann were pupils of the painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres . With the support of his teacher, he took part in an exhibition at the Paris Salon when he was barely 18 , and the works he submitted were awarded the Prix ​​de Rome . The prize included a travel grant, which Flandrin used for a study trip to Italy .

After his return to Paris he devoted himself primarily to church painting and created paintings in a strict style dating back to the Pre-Raphaelites , in which the soulful expression of the faces is particularly emphasized. After he successfully executed wall paintings in the St. Severin's Chapel of St. John, he was commissioned to paint the choir of the Church of St. Germain-des-Prés in Paris , where he gave one of his main works in Christ's Entry into Jerusalem .

In 1853 he adorned the side walls of the nave of the church of St-Vincent-de-Paul de Paris with frescoes in the form of a frieze and became a member of the institute. When painting the new Basilica of St. Paul in Nîmes , he approached the old Florentines and Sienese, and when painting the apses of the Romanesque abbey church of Ainay near Lyons, he approached the style of the Ravennatic mosaics, without, however, the classical form that he had obtained from Ingres ' school had to disclose. He also created portrait paintings.

Flandrin was accepted into the Prussian order Pour le Mérite on May 31, 1863 .

During another stay in Rome, Flandrin died two days before his 55th birthday on March 21, 1864 in Rome.

Works (selection)

  • Christ lets the children come to him
  • Savonarola, preaching in Florence
  • Young man on the seashore , Paris, Louvre
  • The painful mother


  • Maxime de Montrond: Hippolyte Flandrin. Étude biographique et historique . Lefort, Lille 1889.
  • Jean B. Poncet: Hippolyte Flandrin . Press universal, Paris 1864.
  • The Order Pour le Mérite for Science and the Arts. The members of the order, Volume 1 (1842–1881) , Gebr. Mann-Verlag, Berlin, 1975, p. 234 full text (PDF; 443 kB).

Web links

Commons : Hippolyte Flandrin  - collection of images, videos and audio files