Pedro Juan de Zulueta

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Pedro Juan de Zulueta (born May 24, 1784 in Cádiz , † August 11, 1855 ) was a British bank director and Spanish politician .


Pedro Juan de Zulueta was chairman of the Cortes in 1823, was expatriated by Ferdinand VII (Spain) and went to London , where he founded the trading house Zulueta & Company . Pedro Juan de Zulueta became chairman of the Comisión española de hacienda residente en Londres (Commission of the Spanish Public Dept) and negotiated debt rescheduling agreements . From the Asiento de Negros , this commission had voting rights in the South Sea Company . In 1845, under the government of Ramón María Narváez , he was accepted into the Order de Isabel la Católica and Diputado á Córtes. In 1846 the title Conde de Torre Diaz was created for Pedro Juan de Zulueta . He married his cousin Josefa de Madariaga. They had four sons: Pedro José de Zulueta , Antonio, Servando and Mariando.

Individual evidence

  1. Revista Hidalguía número 180. Año 1983