Pedro López de Gámiz

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Pedro López de Gámiz (* 1528 in Barbadillo del Pez , Burgos, † 1588 in Miranda de Ebro ) was a wood sculptor of the Spanish Renaissance who worked exclusively in the province of Burgos .


Few things have come down to us from his life: when he was a small child, his family moved to Burgos ; in 1549 he moved to Miranda del Ebro, where he lived and worked until his death. From which master he received his training is unknown; his most important students were Juan de Ancheta and Diego de Marquina .


Apostle figure

Individual figures as well as several large altarpieces come from his hand or from his workshop, whose architectural structure and figure style are quite at the artistic level of their time ( counter-reformation - style of Romanismo ). His main works are:

  • Reredos of Santa Casilda ( Briviesca )
  • Reredos of the Santa Clara Monastery (Briviesca)
  • Reredos from San Pedro Apóstol ( Ircio )
  • Reredos from Santa Marina de Bardauri (Miranda de Ebro)
  • Reredos of Santa María la Real (Vileña - now in the Museo de Burgos )


  • Carlos Diez Javiz: Pedro López de Gámiz. Escultor mirandés del siglo XVI. Ed. IMH, 1985, ISBN 84-505-1693-5 .

Web links

Commons : Pedro López de Gámiz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files