Pedro Pizarro

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Pedro Pizarro (* 1515 in Toledo , † 1587 (?) In Arequipa ) was a Spanish conquistador . He is best known as an eyewitness and chronicler of the conquest of Peru .

Pedro Pizarro's parents, Martín Pizarro and Luisa Méndez, came from Trujillo , the hometown of the Pizarro brothers with whom he was related.

When Francisco Pizarro stayed in Spain in 1529/30, he joined this and followed him as a page in the New World. He was an eyewitness to the capture of the Inca in the battle of Cajamarca and survived the siege of Cuzco .

In the later dispute between the Conquistadors, he stood on the side of his family and fought against the followers of Almagros in the Battle of Las Salinas (1538) . In the rebellion of Gonzalo Pizarro , however, he sided with the crown. It was only thanks to the intercession of Francisco de Carvajal that Gonzalo did not have him executed. He also took part on the side of the king in the battle of Jaquijahuana (1548).

In 1555 he settled in Arequipa. There he wrote his chronicle of the conquest of Peru, the Relación del descubrimiento y conquista de los reinos del Perú , which he completed in 1571. In 1587, according to other sources in 1602, he died. He had ten children from his marriage to María Cornejo de Simancas and one illegitimate daughter.


  • Eva Stoll: Conquistadors as historiographers: traditional discourse and text-pragmatic aspects in texts by Francisco de Jerez, Diego de Trujillo, Pedro Pizarro and Alonso Borregán . Tübingen (dissertation) 1995, ISBN 3-8233-5401-9 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Pedro Pizarro: Relación del descubrimiento y conquista de los reinos del Perú. 1571, p. 368 , accessed January 4, 2020 (Spanish, Google Books).