Penfield Syndrome

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The Penfield syndrome , english Penfield's Epilepsy is a no more common name for a brain tumor , of the hypothalamus suppresses and seizures and symptoms of autonomic nervous system such as facial swelling, salivation , sweating , lacrimation, exophthalmos , tachycardia , increased respiratory rate, restlessness and Logorrhoe can trigger.

The syndrome is said to occur mainly in male children.

The name refers to the author of the first description from 1929 by the Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Right Diagnosis
  2. Who named it
  3. ^ W. Penfield: Diencephalic autonomic epilepsy. In: Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry , 'Chicago, 1929; Vol. 22, pp. 358-374.