Penile prolapse

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As penis incident ( lat. Prolapse penis ; prolapse of the penis ) is known in the veterinary medicine , the excavation of the penis in mammals about the phase of sexual arousal addition, or the inability of the penis to the foreskin retract. The penile prolapse is of greater practical importance in the stallion and chinchilla buck . The corresponding disease in reptiles is the hemipenis prolapse .


In the non-primates, the penis is usually hidden in the skin of the abdominal wall. In the event of sexual arousal, its free end ( pars libera penis ) is everted ("excavating" ) as a result of the erection and is pulled back after the mating by the retractor penis muscle , and in the stallion also by the smooth muscles of the penile cavernous body . To examine the penis of large animals, penile anesthesia ( conduction anesthesia of the pudendal nerve or its penile branches) has to be artificially induced.

Causes of a penile prolapse are sexual overuse, innervation disorders, the administration of acepromazine in stallions and hair rings around the glans in chinchillas .

Clinical picture and treatment

The consequences of a prolonged penile prolapse are dehydration of the glans and penile injuries, which lead to death if the penis persists for a long time . Therapeutically, one can try to move the penis back after cleaning. If there are severe tissue changes or frequent recurrences , penile amputation must be considered.


  • Walter Busch, Alois Holzmann: Veterinary andrology: Physiology and pathology of reproduction in males . Schattauer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 9783794519552
  • Michael Fehr: penile prolapse, paraphimosis. In: Gabrisch, K., Zwart, P .: Diseases of pets . Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft Hannover, 6th edition 2005, ISBN 3-89993-010-X , p. 201.