Pennfield (New Brunswick)

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Location in New Brunswick
Pennfield (New Brunswick)
State : CanadaCanada Canada
Province : New Brunswick
County: Charlotte County
Coordinates : 45 ° 6 ′  N , 66 ° 44 ′  W Coordinates: 45 ° 6 ′  N , 66 ° 44 ′  W
Time zone : Atlantic Time ( UTC − 4 )
Postal code : E5H
Area code : +1 506
RCAF Pennfield Ridge Station - 2014
RCAF Pennfield Ridge Station - 2014

Pennfield is a municipality ( community ) in Charlotte County in the Canadian province of New Brunswick . The population of Pennfield is not recorded statistically, the county Pennfield Parish has 2218 inhabitants (2011).


Pennfield is located in Charlotte County , three miles north of the Bay of Fundy and southeast of Lake Utopia . Saint John to the east is around 50 kilometers away. The distance to the city of St. George in the west is five kilometers. The New Brunswick Route1 runs right through Pennfield.


At the beginning of the 19th century , settlers, mainly Quakers, settled in the area and named the place in honor of the entrepreneur and land developer William Penn Pennfield . The main source of livelihood was agriculture.

In 1940 the RCAF station Pennfield Ridge of the Royal Canadian Air Force was built nearby as an air base and training unit for units that took part in the Second World War . After the end of the war, the air base was shut down and the units were relocated to Chatham and other bases in the province. On the tarmac then sometimes were drag racing ( Drag Races ) organized. Today seaweed is sometimes dried on the areas .

A special feature of the area is the harvest of wild blueberries , which is becoming less attractive from year to year due to declining revenues.

Individual evidence

  1. Postal Code ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Statistics Canada - Pennfield Census 2011
  3. City data
  4. naming
  5. Drag Racing
  6. CBCnews: Blueberry growers in the Maritimes struggle to break even

Web links