Percy Charles Hugh Wyndham

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Percy Charles Hugh Wyndham (born September 23, 1864 , † 1944 ) was a British diplomat .


His parents were Charlotte Elizabeth Scott and the British diplomat Sir George Hugh Wyndham. Percy Wyndham studied at Eton until Christmas 1881. In July 1888, he received a Bachelor of Arts at New College, Oxford. On May 27, 1890, he was appointed attaché.

In 1902, Percy Charles Hugh Wyndham was second-class embassy secretary in Washington, DC

1919 Percy Charles Hugh Wyndham first charge d'affaires and later ambassador to Jozef Pilsudski . Józef Haller's Blue Army was transferred to Poland to fight Bolsheviks there. On April 17, 1919, Lida was occupied by the Polish army and 39 Jews were murdered. On April 19, 1919, 55 Jews were murdered when Polish troops occupied Vilna . The Polish army accused the Jews of helping the Bolsheviks during street fighting.

On May 18, 1919, Wyndham denied that a pogrom had taken place in Vilnius . On May 19, 1919, Wyndham tried to convince Piłsudski of an armistice. During the peace negotiations in Versailles, Piłsudski insisted that the Drohobycz-Boryslaw oil region would be Polish, even if this would not satisfy further Polish claims to territory. Wyndham and Piłsudski discussed the future of the oil fields in Warsaw on May 19, 1919, when the Polish army invaded Boryslaw in the Ukraine .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow Institute , Volume 4. Edited by the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2005
  2. ^ Carole Fink: The newly named British Minister Percy Wyndham to FO, May 18, 1919, GB FO 371/3903, denied a pogrom in Vilna; Defending the Rights of Others: The Great Powers, the Jews, and International Minority Protection 1878-1938
  3. ^ Alison Fleig Frank: Oil empire: visions of prosperity in Austrian Galicia
predecessor Office successor
Francis William Stronge British ambassador to Colombia
1911 to 1919
Lord Herbert Arthur Robert Hervey
Captain B. Crewdson , Chief of the British Section of the Mission for the Supply and Relief of Poland at Warsaw His Majesty's Mission to Poland
May to September 1919
Horace Rumbold