Staff meeting

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Under a staff meeting means a by staff council convened meeting of all employees of a public office such. B. a ministry or local government .

Thus it is that of a staff meeting in companies under private law, by a works council is convened, corresponding event in the civil service.

Legal bases

The implementation of staff meetings is regulated in Sections 48 to 52 of the Federal Personnel Representation Act (BPersVG) or in the staff representation laws of the individual federal states .

The number of staff meetings to be held varies in the individual laws. While the works council has to hold works meetings every calendar quarter, staff meetings are half-yearly (e.g. according to § 49 BPersVG or § 49 of the Bavarian Personnel Representation Act (Bayer.PersVG)) or annually (e.g. according to § 46 State Personnel Representation Act (North Rhine-Westphalia) or § 50 Saxon PersVG).

Staff meetings can also be held as partial meetings, especially if this is feasible because of shift work or offices that are spatially separated. In some cases, there are regulations that such additional meetings take place outside of working hours.

Eligible applicants

The staff council must also convene an additional staff meeting at the request of the head of the department or 25% of the employees entitled to vote. According to the BPersVG and individual state employee representation laws, a union represented in the agency is also entitled to apply to the staff council to convene a staff meeting.

Participation in the staff meeting

According to all laws, in addition to the staff council members and the employees, representatives of the unions represented in the agency as well as the agency management and the employers' association can take part in an advisory capacity. Representatives of the level representatives ( main staff council , general staff council ) are also entitled to participate . Otherwise the meeting is not public.

Working time and travel expenses

The regular staff meetings and those called at the request of the head of the department take place during working hours . Participation in the staff meeting does not result in a reduction in salaries or wages . Insofar as staff meetings have to take place outside working hours for business reasons, the participants are to be granted an appropriate amount of time off. Travel costs incurred by attending staff meetings will be reimbursed ( Section 50 (1) BPersVG, Section 47 LPVG NRW). In some state employee representation laws, e.g. B. in Berlin, there are no comparable regulations for reimbursement of travel expenses.

According to some provisions, additional meetings (which exceed the statutory minimum number) are to be held outside working hours ( Section 50 (2) BPersVG).

Topics of the staff meeting

The staff meeting can submit motions to the staff council and comment on its decisions. It may deal with all matters that directly affect the agency or its employees, in particular collective bargaining , salary and social issues as well as issues relating to the advancement of women and the compatibility of family and work ( Section 51 BPersVG).

The staff council has to submit an activity report to the meeting ( Section 49 (1) BPersVG).

Often agency managers and union representatives also use the staff meeting to present their positions on employee affairs. Political activities and industrial action are not permitted during a staff meeting.


  • Günter Roggenkamp: The staff meeting . The Staff Council, No. 6/2008, p. 262

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