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Tectonic plates with continents in the background

The Perugraben is a deep sea channel up to 6369 m deep and 1000 km long in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean (Pacific).


The Peru trench is located between the Peruvian coast in the north and east, the Atacama trench in the southeast, the Nazcaschwelle the south and the Peru Basin in the southwest and west. It is roughly between 6 and 14 ° south latitude and 78 and 82 ° west longitude .

The Peru trench formed by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American Plate has arisen (or continue to be fed), finds its continuation in southern Atacama Graben , which begins behind the northeast foothills of Nazcaschwelle.

Ocean lows

In the Pergraben there are, among others, these sea lows :

See also

Coordinates: 9 ° 0 ′ 0 ″  S , 81 ° 0 ′ 0 ″  W.