Perwîz Cîhanî

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Perwîz Cîhanî (* 1955 in Choy , Iran ) is a Kurdish writer and novelist . He was born near Choy in northwestern Iran. Between 1977 and 1978 he began to write poems and short stories in Northern Kurdish and to collect pieces of Kurdish folklore. In 1984 he worked on the Kurdish radio in Urmia and presented two cultural programs. During the same period he was active in the Kurdish magazine Sirwe, where he published several articles. In 1986 he was fired from work on the radio due to the content of his radio programs. He continued to work full-time in Sirwe until he was forced to leave Iran and sought political asylum in Switzerland in 1995 . He has worked with several Kurdish online magazines such as Mehname , Avesta and Nûdem .


  • Bilîcan. DOZ Yayınları, Istanbul 2002, ISBN 975-6876-29-8 .
  • Ax Şilêrok. Apec Publishers, Spanga, Sweden 1998, ISBN 91-89014-30-8 . (Collection of poems).
  • Peyam. Komele kurteçîrok . Orient-Réalités, Genève 1997. (Collection of short stories).
  • Li ser wergera M. Emîn Bozarslan a Mem û Zîna Ehmedê Xanî. In: Zend. Enstîtuya Kurdî, Istanbul, No. 8. (About: Mehmed Emîn Bozarslan's translation of Mem û Zîn by Ehmedê Xanî )
  • Rênivîsa Kurdî bi herdu şêweyan. Salahaddin Ayoobi Publishers, Urmia, Iran 1988. (Kurdish grammar).
  • Hezerav. Ferhenga thematîk li ser ave. Doz, Istanbul 2006, ISBN 975-6875-89-1 .
  • Çarîneyên Omer Xeyyam. Nûbihar, Istanbul 2015, ISBN 978-605-5402-58-7 . (Translation into Kurdish of Rubāʿīyāt (quatrains) by Omar Chayyām , with CD).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Yaşar Eroglu: Mem û Zîn û şiroveya Perwîz Cîhanî. In: Kurdistan Press Agency, March 17, 2013, accessed August 22, 2020 .