Peter F. Piening

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Peter F. Piening (* 1942 in Breklum , North Friesland ) is a German sculptor and object artist. He lives and works in Ahrensburg near Hamburg.

Peter F. Piening


From 1962 to 1967 Peter F. Piening studied at the University Institute for Art and Craft Education and at the University of Mainz . In 1968 the artist received his first solo exhibition in the Brockstedt Gallery in Hamburg. Since then his work has been shown in more than 60 solo exhibitions and in numerous exhibition participations, mainly in Germany.

Peter F. Piening uses flotsam , peeled branches, industrially manufactured wood, waste wood and found objects for his objects and sculptures, which are usually very elaborately made from many individual parts. His sources of inspiration include building and construction plans for technical devices and vehicles. He reproduces forms and objects of everyday life in wood and brings them into new contexts. His showcases and spatial sculptures, including sometimes even complete small residential units, house humorous, Dadaist collections of wooden dummies of various things, comparable to the environments of Pop Art , Nouveau Realisme and the “ Merzbau ” by Kurt Schwitters . Piening's works show mysterious parallel worlds full of surprises, references and subtlety. The works of art trigger a flood of ideas and associations in the viewer through their imaginary reference to reality and their on display inoperability.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

1968, 1973, 1976, 1978 Galerie Brockstedt Hamburg; 1978 Municipal Gallery Iserlohn; 1983 Emslandmuseum Schloss Clemenswerth Sögel; 1990 St. Petri Lübeck; 1991 Kunsthaus Hamburg ; 1994 Art Association Paderborn; 1994 Gallery of the City of Mainz; 1994 VKU Gallery Würzburg; 1995 Overbeck Society Lübeck; 1998 Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken; 2000 Neumünster Textile Museum ; 2000 City Gallery in the Elbeforum Brunsbüttel; 2001 Museumsberg Flensburg ; 2002 Marstall Ahrensburg; 2003 Museum for Art and Commerce Hamburg; 2003 Kunsthalle Worpswede; 2004 Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche Aschaffenburg; 2005 Art Museum Bayreuth ; 2005 Jena City Museum; 2009 A. Paul Weber Museum Ratzeburg; 2009 Gallery Lüth Husum / Schobüll; 2010 Museumsberg Flensburg; 2012 Marstall Ahrensburg; 2012 Galerie Ruth Sachse Hamburg


“I am a recreational noah, tinkerer, tinkerer, philosopher, want to build myself a box as a house, vehicle, capsule, ship, I want to furnish and equip it, with scissors, hat and iron, sledge, mittens, branded scooters, shoehorns, sieves and briefcase, with fork, spoon, soup pot, trumpet, telescope, umbrella, a seat with arm and backrest, brush, ice skate, rope and boat, compass, chisel, jacket, saw, pliers, hammer, nail file, memorabilia, provisions to read what and what to write, mug, broom, comb and spirit level, everything that a person needs on the way to Ararat. " (Peter F. Piening, 2005, quotation in the catalog Traumkapseln , Städtisches Museum Jena)

Catalogs for solo exhibitions

  • Drawings , Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, 1968.
  • Oil paintings / drawings 1970-72 , Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, text: Joachim Kruse, 1973
  • Oil paintings / drawings 1973-75 , Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, text: Stefanie Poley, 1976
  • Oil paintings / drawings 1976-78 , Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, text: Jens Christian Jensen, 1978
  • Drawings / material images / objects , St. Petri zu Lübeck, text: Roswitha Siewert, 1990
  • Volvox, Calyx and their predecessors , Kunstverein Paderborn, Galerie der Stadt Mainz and Spitäle Würzburg, Text: Roswitha Siewert, 1994
  • VierGehäuse , Stormarnhaus Bad Oldesloe, Text: Christian Rathke, 1994
  • Works 1972-1994 , Brunswiker Pavilion Kiel, publisher BBK Schleswig-Holstein, 1994
  • Volvox Calyx , Das Bett , Kiosk , Edition No. 1 of the Overbeck Gesellschaft Lübeck, Text: Roswitha Siewert, 1995
  • Objects , Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken, Text: Christian Rathke, 1999
  • Inventing and leaving , Textile Museum Neumünster, Elbeforum Brunsbüttel and Museumsberg Flensburg, texts: Silke Eikermann and Reinhold Szews, 2000
  • Objects , Marstall Ahrensburg, publisher: Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Holstein, Text: Dorothee Bieske, 2002
  • Tabernacula , Kunstmuseum Bayreuth, Volume 17, Text: Marina von Assel and Nils Jockel, 2005
  • Dream capsules , Jena City Museum, text: Erik Stephan, 2005
  • Image objects, display boards and incidentally sawn things , Galerie Lüth, Husum-Schobüll, text: Nils Jockel, 2009
  • Part of this, partly also , (large objects 2002–2009), Museumsberg Flensburg, texts: Dorothee Bieske and Martina Klose-März, 2010
  • unSÄGLICHES , Peter F. Piening, Marstall Ahrensburg, ed. Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Holstein, texts: Nils Jockel and Sven Nommensen, 2012

Prizes and awards

1993 State Show Prize Winner of the BBK Schleswig-Holstein.


  • Peter F. Piening: Drandersum - The house in the march , Christians Verlag Hamburg, 1986
  • Rolf Vollmann / Peter F. Piening: In the land of Kolderup under the arcades of the Eider , Heliopolis Verlag Tübingen, 1988
  • Peter F. Piening: Supplements to the large objects, each self-published in limited editions: Volvox , 1992; Calyx , 1993; The bed , 1993; Kiosk , 1994; Aviary , 1995; Showcase , 1996; Cockpit , 1998; Ornithological Cabinet , 1999; Caravan , 2001; Hermitage , 2002; Tower , 2003; Schanze , 2003; Rotunda , 2004; Umbraculum , 2004/05; Magazine , 2006; Paravent , 2006; Shelter , 2008; Lantern , 2009; Carousel , 2011.


  • Michael Engler, artist portrait Peter F. Piening - Nothing is clear , from the series Kunststreifzüge , NDR + 3Sat.


The walk-in enclosures of Peter F. Piening are mysterious parallel worlds of our everyday life. The artist, who lives in Ahrensburg, has created space capsules full of subtle, playful surprises and with an unbelievable wealth of detail, which make every viewer understand. Entering the inside of the housing enables insight and exploration - whether carefully exploring or playful - which is expressly welcomed by the artist.

Both the capsules and their varied contents - items of clothing, books, tools or devices - are made by Piening exclusively from industrial and found woods. His space capsules respond to the archaic needs of people for protection and inner concentration, for self-awareness and knowledge, for play and order.

In his housings, which seem like artistic life rafts for a single person, Piening arranges objects that are familiar in their shape, imaginary in their functions and strangely alien in their wooden materiality. They cause every viewer - whether child, layman or art connoisseur - to reflect on their life with things.

In his recent picture objects with their integrated picture and text quotations, aphorisms and own texts, Piening creates memorial plaques at which a Sisyphus can take a mental break in his hopeless attempt to create order that gives meaning. Like his aphorists, Piening, as a sawing philosopher of imperfection, has long accepted lifelong failure and instead comments on it laconically and (even) ironically.

Nils Jockel (Brochure for the exhibition The Walk-In Dream Capsules by Peter F. Piening in the Museum of Art and Industry Hamburg, 2003)

Web links

  • Artist's official website, [1] , accessed January 24, 2012
  • Städtische Museen Jena, [2] , accessed on January 24, 2012
  • Preussische Allgemeine Zeitung, [3] , accessed on January 24, 2012
  •, exhibitions of contemporary art in messages and videos, [4] , accessed on February 14, 2012
  • Die Welt, Peter F. Piening saws in the forest of knowledge, [5] , accessed on May 26, 2012