Peter Labudde

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Peter Labudde (occasionally also: Peter Labudde-Dimmler ) (born December 14, 1952 ) is a Swiss physics didactician and non-fiction author.

Labudde studied physics at the universities in Würzburg and Bern . He received his doctorate in 1980 with a dissertation (under the guidance of HP Weber ) with the title " Continuous Fiber Raman Laser " and completed his habilitation in 1999 at the University of Bern (subject of the habilitation thesis: " Constructivism in physics lessons in upper secondary level ").

From 1981 to 1985 and from 1987 to 1990 Labudde worked, at times part-time, as a high school teacher for the subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry. From 1988 to 2002 he was Vice Director of the "Department for Higher Teaching" at the University of Bern. From 1997 to 2005 he worked as head of department and lecturer in the postgraduate course in natural sciences didactics at the same university. From 2002 to 2008 he worked as the director of the department for higher education (AHL) at the University of Bern and the University of Education in Bern , where from 2005 he was head of the "Institute for Secondary Level II". From 2008 to 2017 he was a research professor and headed the "Center for Natural Science and Technology Didactics" at the University of Education at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Basel. He has been retired since 2018 and works part-time in consulting, research, development, training and further education.

Labudde's textbooks are devoted to science teaching methods for middle school .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Profile Peter Labudde. University of Education of the Northwestern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences , 2018, accessed on November 5, 2018 .
  2. Peter Labudde on WorldCat