Peter Garbage Knight

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Peter Müllritter (born August 2, 1906 in Grabenstätt , Bavaria ; † June 1937 at Nanga Parbat ) was a German photographer , cameraman and mountaineer .

He was best known for his participation in the German Nanga Parbat Expedition in 1934, which he enriched with numerous photo and film documentaries. Garbage Knight took part in the next expedition to Nanga Parbat three years later and also accompanied it with his camera. In an avalanche in June 1937, the mountaineering camp was buried, killing all seven expedition members and nine Sherpas . The Garbage Knight's body was never found. Garbage knight's film footage was used in the documentary Battle for the Himalayas .

Decades after his death, almost 200 pages of his diary were found on the Rakhiot Glacier, "many tattered, some completely missing". It is now with the Trostberg Alpine Club section.

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Individual evidence

  1. Matthias Köpf: Diary from the ice. In 1937 Peter Müllritter was killed on Nanga Parbat. Decades later, the glacier released its notes. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung from 18./19. May 2019, p. 43