Peter Rych

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Peter Rych (first mentioned in 1305 in Hauterive Monastery ; † around 1328 in Hauterive ) was a Swiss Cistercian abbot .


Peter Rych came from a wealthy Freiburg bourgeois family and was the son of Peter Rych and his wife Nicoleta. His brother was Jakob Rych (* before 1291 in Freiburg; † after 1355), mayor of Freiburg and rector of the Freiburg hospital for women.

Peter Rych became a monk in 1305 and was promoted to the high position of porter in 1316 and was Petrus Dives abbot of the Cistercian Abbey of Hauterive from 1320 to 1328.

From 1320 to 1328 he had the new Gothic building of the monastery church built with large windows adorned with rich glass paintings that he had broken into the front wall. The cross-rib vaulted cloister , of which only three arms have survived, was built by thirty stonemasons to create a work whose "deliberate antiquity" was in perfect harmony with Cistercian thought. The building was shaped by the idea of St. Bernard that the cloister should reflect the image of the heavenly Jerusalem ; here it was created with tracery openings that were constructed according to Euclid's theorem . He also had the St. Niklaus Chapel built.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Joos: Life in Hauterive Monastery . S. 30. Saint-Paul, 2006, ISBN 978-3-7228-0690-7 ( [accessed February 1, 2019]).