Peter Wels

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Pencil drawing

Peter Wels (born March 19, 1946 in Neuwied ) is a German architect and draftsman .

Live and act

Wels grew up in Aachen and studied from 1964 to 1968 among others G. Fritz Winter and Ellen Birkelbach at the WKS Krefeld (from 1971 Peter Behrens School of Arts University Dusseldorf ) architecture . He then worked as an architect in Hamburg until 1981 . He has been a freelance architectural draftsman since 1982 and founded his own studio. In his work you can find influences from Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Hugh Ferriss . His working materials are the wax pencil and the watercolor paper, later the computer was added as an additional working tool in the course of digitization.

Wels works internationally for various renowned architectural offices. A selection of exemplary projects (mostly architectural competitions) to which he contributed with his illustrations:

  • 1990 Urban planning ideas competition Hamburger Kehrwiederspitze (Architects: Kleffel - Köhnholdt - Gundermann)
  • 1992 New Leipzig Trade Fair (Architects: GMP von Gerkan - Marg and Partners)
  • 1997 Stuttgart 21 station (Architects: Ingenhoven - Overdiek - Kahlen and Partner)
  • 2002 European Investment Bank Luxembourg (Architects: Ingenhoven Architects)
  • 2002 Redesign of the Hamburg Jungfernstieg (Architects: WES Landscape Architects)
  • 2004 Nishi Umeda Osaka (Architects: Ingenhoven Architects)
  • 2007 University College Dublin (Architects: Ingenhoven Architects)
  • 2008 International Criminal Court, The Hague (Architects: Ingenhoven Architects)

In 1991 Wels received the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists Prize .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1993 Peter Wels drawings , Hamburg Dovenhof
  • 1999 Peter Wels Ingenhoven Overdiek, Overbeck-Gesellschaft Lübeck
  • 2001 Ingenhoven Overdiek and Partner Central Park Berlin , Aedes Berlin
  • 2014 studio exhibition with the painter Jan Köhnholdt, Berlin
  • 2017 Peter Wels, charcoal on canvas, SALON urban Galerie Holthoff-Mocross, Hamburg
  • 2018 Participation in the exhibition 100 Years of the Overbeck Society in Lübeck
  • 2019 Peter Wels original drawings, Forum StadtLandKunst in Hamburg
  • 2019 group exhibition - cooperation Galerie Holthoff-Mokross with Taylor & Wessing (Hamburg)

Fonts (selection)

  • Peter Wels draws Kleffel Köhnholdt Gundermann, 1992
  • Peter Wels: architectural drawings. Junius Verlag, 1993, ISBN 3-88506222-4 .
  • Peter Wels signs Ingenhoven Overdiek, Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck 1999

Web links