Peter de Haga

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Peter de Haga of Bemersyde (also Peter Haig , Latin Petrus de Haga , * around 1297, † July 19, 1333 near Berwick-upon-Tweed ) was a Scottish nobleman .


He was the son of John de Haga of Bemersyde († after 1297), and the Ermegarde de Gordon. He inherited his father as 6th laird of the feudal barony of Bemersyde in Berwickshire and as chief of Clan Haig .

In the Scottish Wars of Independence , his father had fought against the English under William Wallace in the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 . Peter joined Robert the Bruce in 1314 at the age of only 17 and fought in the victorious Battle of Bannockburn against the English under King Edward II. In 1333 he was a member of the Scottish army, which was to be relieved by the English King Edward III. besieged border town of Berwick was erected. In the following battle at Halidon Hill on July 19, 1333, the Scottish army was defeated and Peter was also killed in the battle.

Family and offspring

From his marriage to Margaret Purves, daughter of Alan Purves, Laird of Ercildoun , the two sons left:

  • Henry Haga of Bemersyde († before 1388);
  • John de Haga of Bemersyde (⚔ 1388 at the Battle of Otterburn ).


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