Peter von Scheidt called Weschpfennig

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Peter von Scheidt called Weschpfennig (* around 1531; † January 9, 1593 ) was abbot of the Springiersbach monastery . He became prior of the abbey in 1560 and abbot in April 1578 until his death. Peter von Scheidt was the son of the bailiff von Much , Rorich von Scheidt and his second wife, Anna von Buchenhauer called Taufenschlad. Peter von Scheid was buried in the Springiersbach Abbey Church.


  • PE von Scheidt called Weschpfennig: The ancestral line of the Scheidt-Weschpfennig family. In: West German Society for Family Studies. Volume 44, year 98, issue 7, p. 201, July – September 2010