Peterburgskaya Gazeta

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The Peterburgskaja Gazeta ( Russian Петербургская газета , Petersburg newspaper) was a daily newspaper that, founded in 1867 by the journalist Ilya Arsenyev, was published in Saint Petersburg until 1917 in Russian. 1881–1887 Peter Monteverde was editor-in-chief.


The paper did not appear daily until 1882. Before that, the Petersburger Zeitung had appeared three times a week until 1871, four times since 1871 and five times a week since 1878.

Before 1871 the newspaper was not widely used. After Sergei Chudekov bought the sheet, the number of copies sold increased. From 1871 the editorial team was allowed to publish on the subject of politics . However responded censorship of the Tsar in 1873 and 1877 with the temporary ban on the printed product .

From 1895 the newspaper included the free supplement Our Time ( Russian: Наше время Nasche wremja ). This long-lived newspaper was popularized by authors such as the journalist Nikolai Leikin, the satirist Dmitri Minajew, the humorist Gavriil Shulev, the theater critics Alexander Kugel (pseudonym: Homo novus), Vladimir Baskin and Alexander Pleschtschejew as well as the writers Nikolai Leskov , Sergei Terpigorew (pseudonym: Atawa; Russian Атава ), Wassili Awseienko, Ijeronim Jassinski and Anton Chekhov . The latter published several short stories under the pseudonyms A. Chechonte ( Russian А. Чехонте ) and Ruwer ( Russian Рувер ) in the category Fleeting Notes ( Russian Летучие заметки ).

After the Tsar's abdication in March 1917, the newspaper supported the Provisional Government in continuing the war and in the bitter struggle against the Bolsheviks . On November 22nd of the same year, the latter stopped distributing the Petersburg newspaper .


  • Wassili Sergejewitsch Kartsow: Peterburgskaja Gazeta . In: Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона - Enziklopeditscheski slowar Brokgausa i Jefrona . tape 23 [45]: Патенты на изобретения – Петропавловский. Brockhaus-Efron, Saint Petersburg 1898, p. 435 (Russian, full text [ Wikisource ] PDF ).

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