Petermann (moon crater)

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Petermann + Cusanus - LROC - WAC.JPG
Petermann and Cusanus with side craters (north above; LROC -WAC)
Petermann (Moon North Pole Region)
position 74.37 °  N , 67.74 °  O coordinates: 74 ° 22 '12 "  N , 67 ° 44' 24"  O
diameter 73 km
depth 3330 m
Card sheet 5 (PDF)
Named after August Petermann (1822–1878)
Named since 1935
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Petermann is an impact crater on the northeastern edge of the front of the moon . It lies north of the Cusanus crater and east of Baillaud (moon crater) . On the west by Petermann then there is the much larger but highly eroded craters Petermann R . Petermann's crater walls are somewhat eroded and still show terraces. The crater floor is flat without a central mountain .

List of Petermann's minor craters
Letter position diameter link
A. 74.8 °  N , 87.64 °  O 20 km [1]
B. 72.77 °  N , 63.86 °  O 10 km [2]
C. 71.5 °  N , 57.25 °  O 13 km [3]
D. 77.11 °  N , 66.11 °  O 30 km [4]
E. 72.46 °  N , 53.17 °  O 15 km [5]
R. 74.82 °  N , 55.5 °  E 118 km [6]
S. 75.29 °  N , 61.94 °  O 9 km [7]
X 75 °  N , 76.13 °  O 9 km [8th]
Y 75.7 °  N , 85.6 °  E 11 km [9]

The crater was officially named by the IAU in 1935 after the German geographer August Petermann . The name was introduced by Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ewen A. Whitaker: Mapping and Naming the Moon. A History of Lunar Cartography and Nomenclature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al. 2003, ISBN 0-521-54414-9 , p. 224.