Pettis integral

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The Pettis integral is a term named after Billy James Pettis from the mathematical branch of functional analysis . It is an integral for functions on a measure space with values ​​in a Banach space . If the Banach space is equal to the one-dimensional space , then one obtains the usual integral of real-valued functions on the measure space. The Pettis integral not only generalizes the integral of real-valued functions, but also the Bochner integral and the Birkhoff integral , which are also integrals of Banach space-valued functions.


We assume a complete measure space with a finite, positive measure and want to define an integral for functions with values ​​in a Banach space . For the construction described in the following we make use of the fact that for each of the dual space there is a real-valued function and that measure-theoretical terms for such functions are already defined. We call it weakly measurable when there is a measurable function for each . In contrast, as usual, it is called measurable when the archetype of every open set is over. For the relationship between these two notions of measurability, see Pettis' measurability theorem . After all, we call it weakly integrable if there is an integrable function for each .

We now consider a weakly integrable function . For each is then , the latter denoting the L 1 space above the given measurement space, which according to Fischer-Riesz's theorem with regard to the 1-norm is a Banach space. We thus get a linear operator


which one can show by means of the theorem of the closed graph that it is even continuous . One can therefore form the adjoint operator . If one identifies the dual space of L 1 by means of L p -duality with , as usual , one obtains an operator


In particular, one can apply to characteristic functions for measurable quantities . one calls the Dunford integral , after Nelson Dunford , or the Gelfand integral , after Israel Gelfand , and writes


If one imagines an integral of a function with values ​​in as the mean of the values, one would expect that the integral is again in . Generally this is not the case. But now through the so-called canonical embedding , one defines:

A weakly integrable function is called Pettis integrable , if for all , and one calls the Pettis integral of over .


Reflexive spaces

Is reflexive , so is and it is for everyone and every weakly integrable function . This means that every weakly integrable function with values ​​in a reflective space can be Pettis-integrable.

Birkhoff integral

Every Birkhoff-integrable function can be Pettis-integrable and the Birkhoff integral corresponds to the Pettis integral. Therefore the Pettis integral is a generalization of the Birkhoff integral.

Bochner integral

Every Bochner-integrable function can be Pettis-integrable and the Bochner integral agrees with the Pettis integral. Therefore the Pettis integral is also a generalization of the Bochner integral. It applies

Bochner-integrable     Birkhoff-integrable     Pettis-integrable     weakly-integrable.

Pettis-integrable but not Bochner-integrable

We consider the unit interval [0,1] with the Lebesgue measure on the σ-algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets as the measure space and the sequence space of the real zero sequences as the Banach space . Let it be the half-open interval and


Each is actually a null sequence. That is clear for , because it is and for there is exactly one with and therefore is . This function can be integrated by Pettis but not by Bochner. To clarify the above constructions, we carry out the necessary calculations and start with the weak integrability.

For each is by definition of duality

and therefore


because the interval has the length . So it is weakly integrable.

To determine the Gelfand integrals, consider . If we denote the L 1 -L -duality with angle brackets, then for

and you read off


In fact, this episode is already in , because


Therefore Pettis can be integrated. but cannot be integrated into Bochner, because

cannot be integrated.

Difficult to integrate but not Pettis integrable

To construct a weakly integrable function that is not Pettis integrable, we slightly modify the above example. Again we consider the measure space [0,1] with the Lebesgue measure and the Banach space . The function we are looking for is


For each is

and therefore


So it is weakly integrable.

If the constant function is 1, then for each


So is and that is not over . Therefore Pettis can not be integrated.


Weak compactness

If Pettis can be integrated with the above notation , the associated operator is weakly compact .


Let there be a finite, complete measure space, a Banach space and Pettis integrable. If there is a continuous, linear operator between Banach spaces, then Pettis is also integrable and it holds

for any measurable amount .

Vector space of the Pettis integrable functions

It is easy to show that sums and scalar multiples of Pettis-integrable functions are again Pettis-integrable and that the integral behaves linearly, that is

for Pettis-integrable functions and .

The measurable, Pettis-integrable functions therefore form a vector space . The set of functions that take on the value μ-almost-everywhere form a sub-vector space, and the quotient space after this sub-space is denoted by . In the conventional view of measurement theory, this is the space of measurable, Pettis-integrable functions, whereby μ-almost-everywhere identical functions are identified.

The 1 standard for Pettis-integrable functions

Is measurable with the above designations and Pettis integrable, then is

at last. is a semi-norm up and a norm up . This normalized space is usually not complete ; let it be completed .

Injective tensor product

Let it again be a finite, complete measure space and a Banach space. Then

is a bilinear map , and it holds


This bilinear mapping defines a linear mapping on the tensor product


If one completes this tensor product to the injective tensor product , one obtains an isometric isomorphism


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Raymond A. Ryan: Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces , Springer-Verlag 2002, ISBN 1-85233-437-1 , Chapter 3.3: The Dual Space of and the Pettis Integral.
  2. ^ Joseph Diestel: Geometry of Banach Spaces - Selected Topics , Lecture Notes in Mathematics 485, Springer-Verlag (1975), ISBN 3-540-07402-3 , Chapter 6, §1, Theorem 3
  3. ^ Raymond A. Ryan: Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces , Springer-Verlag 2002, ISBN 1-85233-437-1 , page 53
  4. ^ Raymond A. Ryan: Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces , Springer-Verlag 2002, ISBN 1-85233-437-1 , page 52
  5. ^ Raymond A. Ryan: Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces , Springer-Verlag 2002, ISBN 1-85233-437-1 , sentence 3.7
  6. ^ Raymond A. Ryan: Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces , Springer-Verlag 2002, ISBN 1-85233-437-1 , sentence 3.13