Boy Scout Law

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The Boy Scout Law is a core component of the Boy Scout Method , which is defined as a system of progressive self-education. In this system, the Boy Scout Act defines an orientation framework according to which the scouts shape their lives.

The Boy Scout Law was originally formulated by the founder of the Boy Scout Movement , Robert Baden-Powell . Building on this, various scout associations have developed their own formulations, which usually differ only slightly in terms of content.

The original by Robert Baden-Powell

(With the closest possible German translation)

A scout's honor is to be trusted.

"You can rely on the honor of a boy scout."

A Scout is loyal to the King, and to his officers, and to his parents, his country, his employers, and to those under his orders.

"A Boy Scout is loyal to the (British) King and his officials, his parents, his country, his superiors and those under his command."

A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.

"A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others."

A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what social class the other belongs.

"A boy scout is a friend to everyone and a brother to every boy scout, regardless of which social class the other belongs to."

A scout is courteous.

"A boy scout is polite."

A scout is a friend to animals.

"A scout is a friend of all animals."

A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol-leader, or Scout-master without question.

"A scout follows the instructions of his parents, his cornet or scout leader without question."

A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.

"A boy scout smiles and whistles in all difficulties."

A scout is thrifty.

"A scout is economical."

A scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

"A Boy Scout is pure in thoughts, words and deeds."

German original version from the boy scout book by Alexander Lion in the 1st edition, 1909

The commandments of the Boy Scouts

  1. One must be able to rely steadfastly on the honor of a Boy Scout.
  2. A scout is loyal to his sovereign, the emperor, his fatherland, his superiors, teachers and employers.
  3. It is also a scout duty: to be useful and helpful to one's fellow man.
  4. A boy scout is a friend to all of his fellow men.
  5. A boy scout is polite.
  6. A scout is loving to animals.
  7. A scout obeys his field cornet, his deputy (Junker) and the field master without argument.
  8. A Boy Scout is always cheerful and happy.
  9. A boy scout is thrifty.

Source: Franz Ludwig Habbel : The World Scout Movement . Verlag Der Weiße Ritter, Regensburg 1921.

The Boy Scout Law of the German Scouting Association Sankt Georg

Version from 1930

valid until 1949

  1. One can steadfastly build on the honor of a Boy Scout.
  2. The Boy Scout is faithful to God, the Church and the Fatherland.
  3. The boy scout is helpful.
  4. The boy scout is friend of all people and brother of all scouts.
  5. The boy scout is polite and chivalrous.
  6. The scout protects plants and animals.
  7. The boy scout obeys without objection and does nothing by half.
  8. The boy scout is always in a good mood, even in difficulties.
  9. The Boy Scout is economical and simple.
  10. The Boy Scout is pure in thoughts, words and works.

Version from 1949

valid until 1971

  1. One can steadfastly build on the honor of a Boy Scout.
  2. The Boy Scout is faithful to God, the Church and the Fatherland.
  3. The boy scout is helpful.
  4. The boy scout is friend of all people and brother of all scouts.
  5. The boy scout is polite and chivalrous.
  6. The scout protects plants and animals.
  7. The boy scout obeys of his own free will and does nothing by half.
  8. The boy scout is always in a good mood, even in difficulties.
  9. The Boy Scout is economical and simple.
  10. The Boy Scout is pure in thoughts, words and works.

"Basic lines of our view of life" (guidelines) from 1971

The DPSG's Boy Scout Law was replaced in 1971 by the four "basic lines of our view of life", unofficially called "guidelines":

  1. Life in Hope ( Gen 12.1  EU )
  2. Life in freedom ( 2 Cor 3.17  EU )
  3. Life in Truth ( Mt 28.20  EU )
  4. Living in active solidarity ( Gal 6,2  EU )

Version from 2005

In a member survey, this version received the most votes. Then it was decided at the Federal Assembly of the DPSG in 2005 with the new regulations.

As a scout ... / As a scout ...

  • ... I treat everyone with respect and have all boy and girl scouts as siblings.
  • ... I walk confidently and with alert eyes through the world.
  • ... I am polite and help where it is necessary.
  • ... I don't do anything half-heartedly and don't give up even in difficulties.
  • ... I develop my own opinion and stand up for it.
  • ... I say what I think and do what I say.
  • ... I live simply and environmentally conscious.
  • ... I stand by my origins and my faith.

The rule concept of the Association of Christian Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts

The Association of Christian Scouts and Boy Scouts (VCP) does not have any uniform scout rules, but uses a flexible framework of self-formulated group rules that can differ between the groups and should be adapted to changed group situations. The federal regulation of the VCP suggests the following content for the rules, additions and omissions are possible:

  • plan, work, play together - not against each other;
  • Don't let yourself be forced - do something yourself;
  • don't swallow everything - say what doesn't suit me;
  • doing something together - alone I achieve less;
  • participate in the group - do not stand on the edge;
  • observe - do not accept anything unchecked;
  • going new ways - not considering anything unchangeable;
  • participate - don't let others think for you;
  • learn from others - do not insist on your own point of view;
  • helping others - not just thinking about yourself.

Different from this, different subdivisions of the VCP use fixed scout laws. The Boy Scout Act of the VCP Land Rhineland-Palatinate / Saar is listed here as an example:

Christian Boy Scouts ...
  1. ... are sincere in thoughts, words and deeds.
  2. ... are reliable and helpful.
  3. ... don't lose heart in difficulties.
  4. ... protect nature and preserve creation.
  5. ... live simply and can do without.
  6. ... fit into the community of their own free will.
  7. ... are companionable and loyal.
  8. ... stand up for peace and resolve disputes without violence.
  9. ... are considerate and respect other people.
  10. ... contribute to the friendship of all boy and girl scouts around the world.

Sources: Federal regulations of the Association of Christian Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts; State regulations of the VCP Rhineland-Palatinate / Saar.

The Boy Scout Rules of the Association of Boy Scouts (BdP)

  • I want to be helpful and considerate.
  • I want to respect the other.
  • I want to contribute to the friendship of all girl and boy scouts.
  • I want to be sincere and reliable.
  • I want to be critical and take responsibility.
  • I don't want to avoid difficulties.
  • I want to get to know nature and help to preserve it.
  • I want to control myself.
  • I want to serve peace and stand up for the community in which I live.

Baptist Scouting (BPS) Boy Scout Laws

  1. The Boy Scout speaks the truth
  2. The boy scout is loyal
  3. The boy scout is helpful
  4. The Boy Scout is kind to all people
  5. The Boy Scout is polite and courteous
  6. The scout protects plants and animals
  7. The boy scout is obedient
  8. The boy scout does not avoid difficulties
  9. The boy scout is frugal
  10. The Boy Scout keeps himself pure in thoughts, words and deeds

The rules of the Royal Rangers

A Royal Ranger is:

  • alert: mentally, physically and spiritually
  • pure: physically, in his thoughts and in his speech
  • honest: he does not lie, does not cheat and does not steal
  • brave: he remains brave even with criticism and danger
  • loyal to his family, community, tribe and friends
  • polite: he has good manners, is kind and considerate
  • obedient: to God and conscience, to parents, leaders and superiors
  • spiritual: he prays, reads the Bible and gives testimony of Jesus Christ

The Scouting Law in Switzerland

1976 Federation of Swiss Girl Scouts (BSP)

  • Be sincere!
  • Help where you can!
  • Overcome difficulties!
  • Choose and get involved!
  • Be reliable!
  • Protect nature!
  • Search and bring joy!
  • Understand and pay attention!

1976 Swiss Scout Association (SPB)

  • A Boy Scout is honest with himself and with others.
  • A Boy Scout stands by his or her beliefs and respects the beliefs of others.
  • A Boy Scout cares for nature and all life.
  • A boy scout helps where he can.
  • A boy scout is a good comrade.
  • A boy scout pulls himself together.
  • A scout can fit in with the community.
  • A Boy Scout overcomes difficulties with humor.
  • A scout can do without.
  • A boy scout is ready to take responsibility.

The latest from the Swiss Scout Movement from 1987

We want scouts

  • be open and honest
  • Seeking and passing on joy
  • offer our help
  • make up our minds and take responsibility
  • understand and respect others
  • share with each other
  • Take care of nature and all life
  • Face difficulties with confidence

The Boy Scout Law of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Austria

The Boy Scout / The Girl Scout

  1. seeks the way to God.
  2. is loyal and helps where he / she can.
  3. respect all people and seek to understand them.
  4. consider, decide and act accordingly.
  5. just live and protect nature.
  6. is cheerful and undaunted.
  7. uses his / her skills.
  8. lead a healthy life.

The Boy Scout Law of the Christian Scouting Society in Germany

Preamble: The Christian Boy Scout orients his life according to his Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. The Boy Scout is loyal and respects others.
  2. The Boy Scout speaks the truth.
  3. The boy scout helps where he can.
  4. The boy scout is a good comrade.
  5. The boy scout is chivalrous and polite.
  6. The boy scout protects nature.
  7. The boy scout takes his place.
  8. The boy scout is brave, cheerful and undaunted.
  9. The boy scout is frugal.
  10. The scout is responsible for himself and with what is entrusted to him.

The Boy Scout Law of the German Boy Scout Association

  1. The boy scout is reliable and keeps his word.
  2. The scout respects those who lead him and those he leads. He fulfills his duty to his family and his country and professes his faith.
  3. The boy scout is helpful and enthusiastic.
  4. The scout is committed to the brotherhood of all scouts in the world. He respects all people regardless of race, nation, religion or worldview.
  5. The Boy Scout is polite and friendly to everyone.
  6. The boy scout spares and protects all life to the best of its ability.
  7. The scout acts deliberately and self-controlled.
  8. The boy scout is insightful.
  9. The scout is measured and economical.
  10. The Boy Scout is decent in word and deed.

The scout rules of the German Scout Association Mosaik

  1. I am ready to take on responsibility and duties in and for the community.
  2. I want to be reliable and keep my word.
  3. I want to be helpful and stand up for others.
  4. I want to contribute to the friendship of all scouts and to the good coexistence of all people.
  5. I want to be considerate and understanding.
  6. I contribute to the protection and preservation of nature.
  7. I deal critically with myself and with my environment.
  8. I want to be confident.
  9. I try to live simply and consciously.
  10. I want to be open to new ways.

The scout rules of the Heliand scouting body

  1. I want to get to know the message of Jesus Christ.
  2. I want to help where I am needed.
  3. I want to be on friendly terms with every boy scout.
  4. I want to be cordial to all people.
  5. I want to respect the toil and property of others.
  6. I want to be independent and conscientious.
  7. I want to keep my word.
  8. I never want to stop learning.
  9. I want to practice simple life and self-control.
  10. I want to be a friend of nature.

The AP Scout Law of the AP Scouts

An AP scout is

  • helpful
  • sincere
  • reliable
  • happy to work
  • honest
  • companionable and loyal.

He protects nature, stands by his faith and respects the faith of others, honors his family, and keeps himself pure in thinking, speaking and doing.

The Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe (UIGSE) scout law

The following wording is binding for all German-speaking member associations of the UIGSE (Evangelical Scouting in Europe, Catholic Scouting in Europe , Catholic Scouting in Europe - Austria, Swiss Scouting in Europe). In addition to the “male” version given below, there is a slightly different formulation for the Girl Scouts.

  1. The Scout's honor is to earn trust.
  2. The scout is loyal and stands up for his country, his parents, his field masters and everyone who is entrusted to him.
  3. The scout serves his neighbor and accompanies him on the way to God.
  4. The boy scout is friend of all people and brother of all scouts.
  5. The boy scout is polite and chivalrous.
  6. The scout sees the work of God in nature: he loves plants and animals.
  7. The boy scout obeys of his own free will and does nothing by half.
  8. The boy scout controls himself; he laughs and sings in trouble.
  9. The boy scout is economical and simple and treats other people's goods carefully.
  10. The Boy Scout is pure in thoughts, words and works.

Similar formulations are also used by other European Scout associations that have their roots in the UIGSE or its predecessor FSE.

The Boy Scout Law of the Federation of German Scouts (BDP)

Version from 1952

  • One can steadfastly build on the honor of a Boy Scout.
  • The boy scout is loyal and reliable.
  • The boy scout is helpful.
  • The boy scout is brother of all scouts and friend of all people.
  • The boy scout is tolerant and chivalrous.
  • The scout protects plants and animals.
  • The scout knows where to go.
  • The boy scout is always in good spirits.
  • The boy scout is simple and economical.
  • The Boy Scout is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.

The Boy Scout Laws of the Boy Scout Association Weltenbummler (PbW)

  1. A boy scout is reliable.
  2. A Boy Scout is faithful and God fearing.
  3. A boy scout is always ready to help.
  4. A Boy Scout is the brother of all Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in the world and a friend of all people.
  5. A boy scout is chivalrous.
  6. A scout protects plants and animals.
  7. A boy scout obeys of his own free will.
  8. A boy scout is always in good spirits.
  9. A boy scout is simple and economical.
  10. A Boy Scout is pure in thoughts, words, and works.

The scout rules of the ring of Protestant community scouts

The scout directs his life according to his Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. The Boy Scout is loyal and respects others.
  2. The Boy Scout speaks the truth.
  3. The boy scout helps where he can.
  4. The boy scout is a good comrade.
  5. The boy scout is chivalrous and polite.
  6. The scout protects animals and plants in their habitat.
  7. The boy scout fits into the community.
  8. The boy scout is brave, cheerful and undaunted.
  9. The boy scout is frugal.
  10. The scout is responsible for what is entrusted to him.

Individual evidence

  1. Source:
  2. ^ History of the DPSG. German Scouting Association Sankt Georg , accessed on May 3, 2018 .
  3. Federal Ordinance of the Federation of Boy Scouts (BdP)
  4. Conception of the BPS (Baptist Pathfinder)
  5. ^ German Boy Scout Association, Federal Regulation 1998
  6. ^ Federal Constitution of the German Scout Association Mosaic, Federal Regulation
  7. Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe: Law and Promise ( Memento of September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ^ Federal regulation of the Federation of German Scouts, decided on the Federal Thing in 1952 at Ludwigstein Castle