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Pen in which small ponies are shown
Hamarsrétt , sheep pen on the Vatnsnes peninsula in Iceland

A pen (also "Pförch"; Spanish corral ) is a smaller piece of pasture delimited by (portable) fences . In it, for example, sheep , pigs or goats can be herded together for the night and therefore “penned in”. For this purpose, low dry stone walls, rows of boulders, bent and wall hedges as well as fixed and transportable fences were laid and erected. A single, originally made of wickerwork, transportable fence element is called a “hurdle”, in the broader sense also the entire pen. Occasionally, paddocks are also referred to as pens.

Related legal regulations were previously referred to as "penal rights" or "Hordenschlag".

In Iceland, there are sheep pens in many communities in which the animals are herded together in autumn and distributed to the individual farms. For this purpose, the pens made of wood or stone are usually divided into segments of different sizes.

See also

Web links

Commons : pen  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: pen  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. elexikon: Correction law .
  2. ^ Max Döllner : History of the development of the city of Neustadt an der Aisch until 1933. Ph. CW Schmidt, Neustadt ad Aisch 1950. (New edition 1978 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Ph. CW Schmidt Neustadt an der Aisch 1828-1978. ) P. 451 f .