Phayllos (Phoker)

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Phayllos ( Greek  Φάυλλος ) († 351 BC ), brother of Philomelos and Onomarchos , was a ruler in ancient Phocis .


When the Phocians under the command of Onomarchus in the Third Holy War in 353 BC BC fought against the Thessaly , Phayllos came as strategos with a troop of 7000 soldiers to the aid of the Pherean tyrant Lycophron against Philip of Macedonia . After the death of Onomarchus, Phayllos ruled over Phocis as strategos autocrator . With an army of mercenaries and allies, he invaded Boiotien and Lokris , but was ultimately always repulsed.

Phayllos' passion for women was notorious; he even looted votive offerings in the Sanctuary of Delphi to give to those he wanted. Before a "debilitating disease" to his untimely death in 351 BC. Phayllos determined his nephew Phalaikos as his successor.


With the stolen collar of Harmonia Phayllos won the favor of the wife of the Oitai general Ariston. Her son became so angry that he burned his mother and the jewelery.


  • C. Krafft: Phayllus 1 . In: Real Encyclopedia of Classical Classical Antiquities in alphabetical order . Volume 5, Stuttgart 1848, p. 1443.
  • Winfried Schmitz : Phayllos 1. In: Der Neue Pauly (DNP). Volume 9, Metzler, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-476-01479-7 , column 759.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Harmonia. In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon , 6th edition 1905–1909 (retrieved from )