Philippe Vuillemin

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Philippe Vuillemin (born September 8, 1958 in Marseille ) is a French comic artist .


Philippe Vuillemin published short stories in the magazines L'Écho des Savanes , Hara-Kiri and Charlie Mensuel in the 1970s . With Jackie Berroyer he created Raoul Teigneux contre les Druzes in 1984 . At the time he was a member of the pop group Dennis' Twist .

Hitler = SS was created together with Jean-Marie Gourio and appeared in 1988. The enlightening approach of the comic was not recognized under the cynicism and bitter ridicule presented. The comic was attacked after its publication by the organization Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme and others and finally banned by the then Interior Minister Charles Pasqua . Ole Frahm explains in an article on that in the comic, the Spanish edition of which was also confiscated and banned in 1992, “it is not the victims of the Holocaust that are mocked, but - in the tradition of underground comix - every good human ( Memory) Politics ” . In 1989 he illustrated Les Versets Sataniques de l'Evangile by Georges Bernier (Le Professeur Choron).

Philippe Vuillemin's drawing style underlines his content. His line, which he ironically calls ligne crade (“dirty line”) in reference to Hergés ligne claire , is restless and is sometimes used very thickly. He is not afraid to violate and provoke taboos, and to do this he falls back on well-worn clichés, for example by portraying Jews with big noses and thick lips.

Two edited volumes of his short stories were published in 1992 and 1993 by Carlsen Verlag in German.

In 1995 he received the Grand Prix de la Ville d'Angoulême at the International Comics Festival in Angoulême .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Philippe Vuillemin at Lambiek
  2. ^ Marianne Fix: Politics and contemporary history in comics in the library. Research and practice. Volume 20 (1996) No. 2, page 176.
  3. Thierry Groensteen (Ed.): Asterix, Barbarella & Co. History of the comic in the French-speaking area . Somogy Editions D'Art, Paris 2000, p. 244.
  4. Ole Frahm: Loud stereotypes at
  5. Andreas C. Knigge: Everything about comics . Europa Verlag, Hamburg 2004, p. 307.