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Piapara ( Leporinus obtusidens )

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : Narrow-mouth tetra (Anostomidae)
Genre : Leporinus
Type : Piapara
Scientific name
Leporinus obtusidens
( Valenciennes , 1847)

The Piapara ( Leporinus obtusidens , Syn .: Curimatus obtusidens ) belongs to the tetra-like and ray- finned species . It is widespread in the rivers of Brazil , Argentina , Paraguay, and Uruguay .


The Piapara is also called Piava or Piaú in Brazil. In Argentina it is common under the name Boga or Bogón. Their relatives include the aracu ( Leporinus klausewitzi ) in the Amazon basin, the piaús ( Leporinus steindachneri Eigenmann, 1907) in the catchment area of ​​the rivers Rio Araguaia , Rio Tocantins , Rio Paraná and São Francisco and the local subspecies known as Piavuçu and Piava.


Its main distribution area extends to the river basin of the Rio Paraná , Río de la Plata , Río Uruguay and Rio São Francisco in eastern Brazil.


Leporinus obtusidens has an elongated body and a relatively small head. The small rodent-like teeth gave the genus the name Leporinus , rabbit-like. The juvenile form often shows dark spots on the silver-colored flanks that disappear with age. They are between 40 and 80 centimeters long and in the Rio de la Plata, in exceptional cases, can weigh up to 8 kilograms.

Way of life

The pipara lives as a schooling fish in the fresh water of the subtropical to tropical climatic zone benthopelagic and potamodrom . In the river system of the Rio de la Plata, the species occurs very frequently in the area of ​​rivers, oxbow lakes, flood plains, lakes, and estuaries. Leporinus obtusidens feeds omnivorously on algae, aquatic plants, small crustaceans, water snails, aquatic insects and plant seeds. In the vicinity of river ports, the fish also get used to grain seeds that fall from the ship when the cargo ships are unloaded. Their enemies include predatory fish such as the aerial catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum and Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and, in some cases for juvenile fish, the barbel Prochilodus lineatus . It reaches sexual maturity at a length of about 10 to 20 centimeters and spawns in large numbers. As a migratory fish on the way to its spawning grounds, the Piapara overcomes great distances. At a dam in Minas Gerais / Brazil it was found that the swim bladder of the fish is severely damaged by the operation of hydroelectric systems and that the population of the animals is endangered.


The piapara is one of the popular edible fish, which due to its rapid growth can also be kept in pond farms and aquacultures. Some of his semen is preserved in gene banks. In addition, the piapara is a sport fish that is caught with natural baits such as green or swollen corn , dough or snails.


  • E. Cordiviola de Yuan, C. Pignalberi de Hassan: Fish population in the Paraná River: lentic environments of Diamante and San Pedro areas (Argentine Republic). In: Hydrobiologia. Volume 127, 1985 pp. 13-218.
  • Günther Sterba: Freshwater fish in the world. Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg 2002, ISBN 3-89350-991-7 , pp. 192-184.

Web links

Commons : Piapara ( Leporinus obtusidens )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Piapara on Fishbase.org (English)
  2. a b http://ambientes.ambientebrasil.com.br/agua/pesca_esportiva_em_agua_doce/piapara_-_leporinus_obtusidens.html
  3. Food intake mainly at the bottom
  4. Swimbladder abnormalities in piapara (Leporinus obtusidens) captured downstream of the Funil Dam in http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252010000300012&lng=en&nrm=iso
  5. PF Taitson, E. Chami, HPGodinho: Gene banking of the neotropical fish Leporinus obtusidens (Valenciennes, 1836): A protocol to freeze its sperm in the field. Anim Reprod Sci. 2008 May; 105 (3-4): 283-91, PMID 17467933 .
  6. ^ Walter Dias Junior & Lea Rosa Mourgués-Schurter: Circadian changes in thyroid hormones of piau Leporinus obtusidens Valenciennes, 1847 (Osteichthyes, Anostomidae) after feeding. (online: PDF )