Pierre Alexandre Edouard Fleury de Chaboulon

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Pierre Alexandre Edouard Fleury de Chaboulon ( April 14, 1779 - September 28, 1835 ) was Napoléon Bonaparte's cabinet secretary .


Pierre Alexandre Edouard Fleury de Chaboulon, cabinet secretary to Napoleon I after his return from Elba , was already in the 16th year leader of a battalion of the National Guard and on October 5, 1795 marched with the indignant Parisians against the National Convention .

Captured but pardoned because of his youth, he was employed in the financial administration under Minister Fermont, then worked as a State Council auditor in the domain administration, later became sub-prefect in Château-Salins , where he was so distinguished by his skill and philanthropy that Napoleon gave him various missions entrusted and then appointed him Prefect of Reims; here in 1814 he showed great resolve and fearlessness towards the advancing allies.

After the Restoration he went to Italy, returned to France for the Hundred Days , became Napoleon's secret secretary and as such went on a mission to Basel. After Napoleon's fall again he went to London, returned later, and became a deputy after the July Revolution; he died September 28, 1835.

He wrote: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vie privée, du retour, et du régne de Napoléon en 1815 . London 1820. German edition: Memoirs of Napoleon's private life, return and reign in 1815 . Hamburg 1820. There are numerous reprints and new editions.