Pierre Bardin

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Pierre Bardin (* 1595 in Rouen ; † May 29, 1635 in Paris ) was a French man of letters, philosopher, mathematician and member of the Académie française .

life and work

In 1623 Bardin wrote a treatise on the office of Grand Chamberlain of France , which he dedicated to the then Grand Chamberlain Claude de Lorraine, duc de Chevreuse . In 1629 he published an extensive philosophical discussion of the book of Kohelet from the Old Testament (the first chapter was published in advance in 1626). This work has also been translated into German. His main work are two unfinished volumes (totaling 1500 pages) on the classic ideal of the Honnête Homme under the title Le Lycée .

Bardin belonged from March 1634 to the first season of the Académie française (seat no. 29). He drowned in the Seine in 1635 when he tried to pull his seven-year-old protégé and pupil, the future Duke of Humières , out of the water.


  • Panégyrique au Roy et à la Royne régente sur leur retour de Poictou et Bretagne, présenté à Leurs Majestez . 1614.
  • Le grand Chambellan de France , livre où il est amplement traicté des honneurs, droicts et pouvoirs de cet office. 1623.
  • Essay du sieur Bardin sur l'Ecclésiaste de Salomon . Camusat, Paris 1626 (first chapter of the following title)
  • Pensees morales, you Sr. Bardin, sur l'Ecclesiaste de Salomon . Camusat, Paris 1629, 1632, 1639. Rouen 1640. (about the book of Kohelet)
    • (German) The elucidated and much expanded preacher Solomon with a number of deep and pensive thoughts or considerations . Translator: Hieronymus Imhoff (1606–1668). Wolfenbüttel 1662.
  • Le lycee du Sr Bardin , ou en plusieurs promenades il est traité des connoissances, des actions, & des plaisirs d'un honneste homme. Of connoissance. Of the actions. 2 vols. 1632–1634, 1638, 1640, 1641 (the third volume «Des plaisirs» has not appeared.)
  • Pantalogisme mathématique ou ordre tenu en la reception du petit mathématicien gascon professeur en la faculté des sciences mercuriales. Rouen 1642.


  • Amin Maalouf : Un fauteuil sur la Seine . Grasset, Paris 2016, pp. 13–26.

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