Pierre Gamel

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Pierre Gamel (born October 31, 1889 in Nîmes , † March 28, 1966 there ) was a French politician. From 1958 to 1966 he was a member of the National Assembly .

Gamel, whose father was also a pharmacist, also became a pharmacist after studying pharmacy in Montpellier , even if the First World War , in which he participated as a soldier, delayed his entry into the profession. In 1945 he became chairman of the Nîmes- Uzès - Le Vigan Chamber of Commerce , which he remained until his death. In the same year he introduced the idea for Nîmes-Garons Airport, which was built from 1958 onwards . In 1958, Gamel entered the National Assembly for the Gaullists . In the same year he personally received de Gaulle on his visit to Nîmes. In 1962 he was re-elected. He died in 1966 before the end of his mandate, which was continued by Paul Tondut .

Individual evidence

  1. Base de données historique des anciens députés