Pierre Lasserre

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Pierre Lasserre (born May 30, 1867 in Orthez , † November 7, 1930 in Paris ) was a French writer , philosopher and homme de lettres .

life and work

Lasserre was a student of René Doumic at the Lycée Stanislas in Paris . In 1892 he passed the Agrégation in philosophy and studied from 1896 to 1898 in Munich, Heidelberg and Berlin. Then he was a high school teacher in Saint-Brieuc and Chartres . He completed his habilitation in 1907 at the Sorbonne with Émile Faguet with the two theses Le Romantisme français and Les idées de Nietzsche sur la musique and in 1922 became professor (Directeur d'études) at the École pratique des hautes études . He conducted research in the border area between philosophy, religion, literature and music, including comparative German-French ( Goethe , Nietzsche , Richard Wagner ). He also worked as a novelist and literary critic. In 1924 he received the Great Literature Prize of the Académie française . Pneumonia, which he contracted on a lecture tour through Argentina, tore him out of his creative power in 1930.

Lasserre's thinking

Lasserre turned against the romanticism embodied for him primarily by Rousseau and Michelet , which he saw as a disease in which freedom is transformed into disorder, genius into confusion, reason into instinct and energy into anarchy, a kind of enthusiastic dismantling civilization in man, with the deification of the irregular, inactive, powerless, undisciplined, yes of the criminal, who on top of that hides behind an emphatic rhetoric. Goethe and Nietzsche appeared to him as opposing poles, neither of them typical Germans, but exceptional Germans who did not allow themselves to be infected by typical German romanticism. With this thinking, Lasserre came close to Charles Maurras and Action française , with which he broke in 1914. Lasserre's growing tendency to tolerate his intellectual opponent was expressed shortly before his death in the juxtaposition of Bernhard von Clairvaux and Petrus Abelardus , both of whom he regarded as heroes, on the one hand in the service of authority and order and on the other in service of independence and criticism.


Philosophy and religion

  • La Crise Chrétienne. Questions d'aujourd'hui , Paris, Perrin, 1891.
  • La morale de Nietzsche , Paris, Mercure de France, 1902; 1923.
  • Charles Maurras et la Renaissance classique , Paris, Mercure de France, 1902.
  • Le Romantisme français. Essai sur la révolution dans les sentiments et dans les idées au XIXe siècle , Paris, Mercure de France, 1907; Garnier, 1919; Calmann-Lévy 1931; Geneva, Slatkine, 2000, critical ed. by Hugues Laroche, http://litterature20.paris-sorbonne.fr/le-romantisme-francais-essai-sur-la-revolution-dans-les-sentiments-page-0-lasserre-6.html .
  • Le Germanisme et l'esprit humain , Paris, Champion, 1915; Paris, Les amis de la Revue grise, 1981.
    • Cinquante ans de pensée française. Le Germanisme et l'esprit humain. Virgile et la guerre. L'École de l'art pour l'art. La Poésie Française et le Midi. Les Humanités classiques et la vie nationale , Paris, Plon, 1922; 1992.
  • Renan et nous , Paris, Grasset, 1923.
  • La Jeunesse d ' Ernest Renan . Histoire de la crise religieuse au XIXe siècle , 3 vols., Paris, Garnier et frères, 1925–1932.
  • Georges Sorel . Théoricien de l'impérialisme. Ses idées, son action , Paris, L'Artisan du livre, 1928.
  • Faust en France et autres études , Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1929.
  • Un conflit religieux au XIIe siècle. Abélard contre saint Bernard , Paris, L'Artisan du livre, 1930.

French literature

  • Frédéric Mistral . Poète, moraliste, citoyen , Paris, Payot, 1918.
  • Les Chapelles littéraires. Claudel , Jammes , Péguy , Paris, Garnier et frères, 1920.
  • Des romantiques à nous , Paris, La Nouvelle revue critique, 1927.
  • Trente années de vie littéraire , Paris, Prométhée, 1929 (preface by André Bellessort ).


  • Les idées de Nietzsche sur la musique. La période wagnérienne 1871-1876 , Paris, Mercure de France, 1905, 1907; Paris, Calmann-Lévy 1929.
  • L'esprit de la musique française (de Rameau à l'invasion wagnérienne) , Paris, Payot, 1917.
  • Philosophy du goût musical , Paris, Grasset, 1922; Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1931.


  • Henri de Sauvelade , Paris, Mercure de France, 1909.
  • Le Crime de Biodos , Paris, Plon, 1912.
  • La promenade insolite , Paris, Crès, 1922.
  • Le secret d'Abélard , Paris, Albin Michel, 1926.
  • La nuit tarbaise , Paris, Fayard, 1926.

More fonts

  • (with René de Marans) La doctrine officielle de l'Université. Critique du haut enseignement de l'Etat, défense et théorie des humanités classiques , Paris, Mercure de France, 1912, Bibliothèque nationale de France , 1992.
  • Mes routes. Littérature, questions germaniques, questions d'enseignement, philosophie , Paris, Plon, 1924.
  • La statue volée. Méditations , Paris, Le Divan, 1927.
  • Lourdes , Saint Sever, D. Chabas, 1933.


  • Anne-Marie Gasztowtt, Pierre Lasserre (1867-1930) , Paris, Divan, 1931.

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