Pierre Nicolas Camille Jacquelin Du Val

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Pierre Nicolas Camille Jacquelin Du Val (born July 28, 1828 in Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales) , † July 5, 1862 in Clamart ) was a French entomologist .

Du Val studied medicine in Paris from 1849. There he turned to entomology under the influence of Alexandre Laboulbène and joined the Entomological Society of France . He first published on entomology in 1850 and his 1852 essay on the ground beetle genus Bembidion attracted the attention of Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville , who invited him to write the section on beetles in a manual on the natural history of Cuba .

He is known for his monograph on European beetles, which was illustrated by Jules Migneaux (1825–1898). He was able to publish three volumes, and it was continued with a fourth volume after his death by Léon Fairmaire (1820–1906).


  • Manuel entomologique. Genera des coléoptères d'Europe, comprenant leur classification en familles naturelles, la description de tous les genres, des tableaux dichotomiques destinés à faciliter l'étude, le catalog de toutes les espèces, de nombreux dessins au trait de caractères et plus de treize cents types représentant un ou plusieurs insectes de chaque genre, dessinés et peints d'après nature avec le plus grand soin. 4 volumes with catalog and atlas, Paris: Migneaux, later Deyrolle 1857–1868
  • Insectes. Ordre des coléoptères. In: Ramon de la Sagra, Histoire fisica, politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba 7, 1857, pp. 1-136
  • Glanures entomologiques , 2 parts, 1860


  • J. Migneaux: Notice necrologique sur Jaquelin du Val (Camille), Annales de Société Entomologique de France, 2 (4), 1862, 617-619
  • Entry in John Capinera, Encyclopedia of Entomology, Volume 4, Springer Verlag 2008, Google Books