Pilar Primo de Rivera

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Pilar Primo de Rivera

Pilar Primo de Rivera y Sáenz de Heredia (born November 4, 1907 in Madrid ; † March 17, 1991 ibid.) Was a Spanish politician of the fascist Spanish party Falange .


Pilar Primo de Rivera was the sister of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and daughter of the later dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera . In 1934 she founded the Sección Femenina within the Falange . In the early years of the Second Republic , the SF primarily took care of party members in prisons and their families, and during the civil war it primarily looked after the surviving families of the fascist soldiers. Her brother José Antonio Primo de Rivera was sentenced to death on November 17, 1936 for the military revolt against the Second Spanish Republic and executed on November 20, 1936 (colloquially known as " 20-N ").

The SF, headed by Pilar Primo de Rivera, was raised to the sole legitimate representation of women in Spain in 1939 and, until its dissolution in 1977 after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco , took care of the upbringing of the children according to the ideas of the party. Pilar Primo de Rivera initially supported King Juan Carlos I , but broke with him when King Carlos Arias Navarro (Prime Minister since the turn of 1973/74) urged his resignation and began to form the transitional government and to dismantle the Francoist structures.


  • María Antonia Fernández Jiménez: Pilar Primo de Rivera: el falangismo femenino. Editorial Síntesis, 2008. (span.)