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Coat of arms of the
Pilsak Edle von Wellenau family

The name Pilsak is of Slavic origin and comes from a geographically limited area. The first bearers of this name were first mentioned in a document in 1657 , eight years after the end of the Thirty Years' War in the northern Bohemian town of Schüttenitz near Leitmeritz . It was the 22 year old Joannes Plzaczek and his widowed mother Margaretha who bought a house there.

43 years later, the Plzaczek family changed their name to Pilsak. From 1700 the birth, marriage and death records of this family were entered in the local church registers under Pilsak.

Coats of arms of another line of the Pilsak families

In 1848 there were 32 residents of this name in Schüttenitz.

Variants of the name

Pillsak, Pilsack, Plsak, Pilsakh, Pilsag, Pillsackh

(These variants of the name were probably only created because very few knew the art of writing at the time!)

Geographical distribution

Until 1945, the name Pilsak appeared - apart from a few exceptions - only in the area around the episcopal city of Leitmeritz in northern Bohemia. There were people with the name Pilsak in the neighboring villages: Aussig , Leitmeritz , Pokratitz , Pohorschan and Bilinka . After the expulsion and resettlement of the Sudeten German population, all bearers of this name settled in Germany. Today they all write their family name as "Pilsak". In 2000 there were around 60 people with that name in Germany.

In 2004 there were no more people with this family name in the country of origin of this name, the Czech Republic.

During kk -Monarchie there were a few persons of this name in Budapest. In 2000 there were some bearers of this name in Slovenia and in the Polish border area with the Czech Republic. It can be assumed that their ancestors probably came from the area around Leitmeritz. A family named Pilsak also settled in Vienna.

No connections could be established with the Czech family name Plzak, which is still common today and pronounced like Plsak.

Literature on the name

  • The family name Pilsak from 1601 to 1997 / origin-distribution-people / society for family research in the Upper Palatinate eV issue 9/1997


  • Wenzel Pilsak Edler von Wellenau (1779–1855), kk-general major and chief director of the fire rifle factory in Vienna and Steyr
  • Eduard Pilsak Edler von Wellenau (1823–1907), kuk field marshal lieutenant and artillery director at the general command in Brno
  • Ludwig Pilsak Edler von Wellenau (1816–1881), kuk Colonel d. Res. And Commander of Field Artillery Regiment No. 12
  • Gusti Pilsak-Winter, author of the book Erlauschtes, Erlebtes before 1940
  • Franz Pilsak, actor (1902–1995)
  • F.Pilsak, drew up a topographic map of the Austrian monarchy in 1822 with details of all postal routes according to the latest astronomical localization and the latest maps