Pink TV

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Infobox radio tower icon
Pink TV
Station logo
TV channel
Program type Division program
reception Cable and satellite, VDSL
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission October 25, 2004
List of TV channels

Pink TV is a French television channel for gay men, based in Paris .

The station shows magazines, series and films that show homosexuals or that are the most popular among homosexuals. It is available as an extra on the majority of French cable and satellite bouquets .


On October 25, 2004, Pink TV first broadcast via cable and satellite. Due to economic difficulties, from March 12, 2007, the program was split up: during the day the usual programs (entertainment and information, culture - expressing the homosexual way of life) and after midnight until 5 in the morning a pornographic program. This was accompanied by a capital increase on which the survival of the station depended. President-directeur général Pascal Houzelot stated that a failure of the capital increase would have been the end of Pink TV. Since in the end 1 million euros were still missing, Pink TV only broadcasted two hours a day and only repeated it for a while. From October 2008, as the financial situation improved, unpublished programs (films, documentaries, plays) were also broadcast. Nevertheless, it is still only sent unencrypted from 10 p.m. to midnight. The porn broadcasts after midnight will be shown encrypted under the brand name Pink X for a subscription fee of 9 euros .

Affair over the station name

According to a report from the Agence France-Presse , the broadcaster, which originally called itself PINK, was sentenced to change its name. The name had been an acronym for the production company Fovea since December 27, 1999 : Program d'Information Non Konformiste (PINK).

People on Pink TV (from 2004 to 2007)




Individual evidence

  1. universfreebox
  2. Source: Agence France Presse.

Web links