Claire Chazal

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Claire Chazal (2009)

Claire Chazal (born December 1, 1956 at Thiers in the Puy-de-Dôme department ) is a French journalist and former news anchor of the Journal de 20 heures , the main news program of the private first channel of French television TF1 .


After finishing school, Chazal studied at the École des hautes études commerciales in Paris and obtained a diploma. From 1991 to 2015, Chazal presented the evening news Journal de 20 heures on French television's first channel . The Journal de 20 heures is the most watched daily news program in France. Chazal moderated the program in alternation with journalist Gilles Bouleau , who replaced television journalist Laurence Ferrari in 2012 . On September 7, 2015, TFI announced the end of its collaboration with Claire Chazal after 24 years. One of the reasons given was falling audience ratings. She moderated the 8 pm weekend news (JTWE, Journal télévisé du weekend ) for the last time on September 13th. On September 18, her successor Anne-Claire Coudray went into action, who recently achieved a higher audience approval.

Chazal also presented the talk show Le Je / Nous de Claire on the French television channel Pink TV . The television channel is aimed at a homosexual audience. Chazal also appeared in a few French films.

Her book Puisque tout passe: Fragments de vie was published on May 2, 2018 by Editions Grasset.


Claire Chazal split from French actor Philippe Torreton in 2007 after a four-year relationship . She has a son (* 1995) with Patrick Poivre d'Arvor .

Films (selection)

Web links

Commons : Claire Chazal  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gilles Bouleau remplace Ferrari pour de bon au 20H de TF1 . from June 14, 2012 (French)
  2. Claire Chazal quittera les journaux du week-end de TF1 “dans les semaines à venir” ,, accessed on September 7, 2015 (French)
  3. Le je / nous de Claire - Culture - Magazine culturel ,, accessed on September 7, 2015 (French)
  4. Puisque tout passe . In: Editions Grasset . April 30, 2018 ( [accessed May 5, 2018]).
  5. Confessor at prime time. In: Tages-Anzeiger from September 16, 2011