Pink Triangle Park and Memorial

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The Pink Triangle Park and Memorial in the lesbian and gay district The Castro in San Francisco is a memorial for the gays murdered by the National Socialists .

Geographical location

The memorial is located in a small triangular park that lies between Market Street and 17th Street, which branches off at an acute angle.


Stele forest
Area graveled with pink quartz

The memorial consists of 15 triangular in cross section, gray granite - steles . Their upper end is flattened at an angle and a triangle made of pink granite is inserted there. The creative artists, Robert Bruce and Susan Martin , assumed 15,000 dead and thus erected a stele for every 1,000 murdered. Furthermore, the memorial not only commemorates the murdered gays, but all LGBT people who were killed by the National Socialists. The 15 steles - grouped into a triangle - stand in front of another triangular area on the floor of the facility, which is covered with crushed stone made of pink quartz . The motive of the pink triangle reminiscent of the pink triangle , the gay prisoners concentration camp were marked. An explanatory board also belongs to the memorial. Steles and gravel face the neighboring Harvey Milk Plaza .

The memorial was inaugurated on December 10, 2001, Human Rights Day.


The memorial was the first of its kind in the United States to be dedicated to the gays murdered by the Nazis.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Inscription on the explanatory board belonging to the memorial.

Coordinates: 37 ° 45 ′ 44.2 "  N , 122 ° 26 ′ 10.5"  W.