List of monuments to homosexual victims of National Socialism

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There have been memorials to homosexual victims of National Socialism since 1984 .


Monuments commemorating the persecution of gay men by the National Socialists were initially created in former concentration camps. The first memorial stone was a memorial plaque in the shape of a corner made of pink granite in the Mauthausen concentration camp . The first memorial to be realized outside a former concentration camp was the Homomonument in Amsterdam , which was also the first free-standing memorial, i.e. the first whose design went beyond a commemorative plaque.


Surname year place description Inscription / remark Initiative, realization image
Memorial plaque "Rosa Winkel" 1984 Mauthausen concentration camp
( Upper Austria )
Dark pink stone plaque in the shape of an angle with an inscription "Killed \ Totgeschwiegen \ - \ The \ homosexual victims \ of \ National Socialism \ - \ The \ homosexual \ initiatives \ Austria \ 1984" HOSI Vienna for all HOSIs Memorial plaque “Rosa Winkel”, Mauthausen concentration camp
Memorial stone "Rosa Winkel" 1985 Neuengamme Concentration Camp
( Hamburg )
Dark pink square memorial stone, slightly protruding from the ground, with engraved angle and inscription The \ homosexual \ victims \ of \ national \ socialism \ in 1985 Independent Homosexual Alternative (UHA) Hamburg Memorial stone "Rosa Winkel", Neuengamme concentration camp
Memorial plaque "Rosa Winkel" 1985 Dachau Concentration Camp
( Bavaria )
Stone plaque in the form of an angle with an inscription "Totgeschlagen \ Totgeschwiegen \ - \ Den \ homosexual victims \ of \ National Socialism \ - \ The \ homosexual \ initiatives \ Munich \ 1985"
After refusal by the "Comité International de Dachau" (amalgamation of former prisoners), he was temporarily in the free area in 1987 Evangelical Reconciliation Church erected on the site of the concentration camp. Only in 1995, ten years after the initiative, was it officially accepted and installed in the memorial room of the concentration camp memorial.
Association for sexual equality (VSG) and HuK Munich Memorial plaque “Rosa Winkel”, Dachau concentration camp
Homomonument 1987 Amsterdam ,
Three large granite angles arranged into a common angle, one of them with an inscription; Design: Karin Daan "Naar vriendschap zuk een mateloos demand"
(For friendship such an immoderate demand)
Foundation committee, realized through private donation campaigns and through donations from various district groups, mayors, the regional administration and ministries Homomonument, Amsterdam
Memorial plaque "Rosa Winkel" 1989 Berlin ,
Stone memorial plaque in the form of an angle with inscription and additional metal plaque "Killed to death \ hushed up \ the \ homosexual victims \ of \ National Socialism" General Homosexual Working Group (AHA) and HuK Berlin “Rosa Winkel” memorial plaque, Berlin
Memorial stone "Rosa Winkel" 1990 Bologna ,
park in the
Piazza di Porta Saragozza
A memorial stone in the form of an angle with an inscription, set into the ground "Alle vittime omosessuali del \ razzismo nazifascista \ 25 Aprile 1990 \ 45th Anniversario \ della \ liberazione"
(The homosexual victims of Nazi-fascist racism, April 25, 1990, 45th anniversary of the liberation)
Memorial plaque for the homosexual victims of National Socialism 1992 Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen
Concentration Camp
( Oranienburg )
Black metal plaque with openwork inscription "Killed to death \ hushed up \ the \ homosexual \ victims \ of \ National Socialism" Unveiled on November 22, 1992 - On the initiative of the Berlin Homosexuality Discussion Group of the Evangelical Advent Church Community in Prenzlauer Berg with the support of the Federal Association of Homosexuality (BVH), HuK Berlin, the German Gay Association (SVD), Sunday Club eV and individuals Memorial plaque for the homosexual victims of National Socialism - Sachsenhausen
Metal sculpture 1993 The Hague ,
Koninginnengracht /
Metal sculpture in the form of an ascending winding ribbon from blue to pink; Design: Theo ten Have Meaning: self-confident homosexual life; green lawn = society, blue base = awareness, knot = conflict, rising pink = liberation Foundation committee, realized with funds from the regional administration Metal sculpture, The Hague
Memorial to the persecution of homosexuals
( Frankfurter Engel )
1994 Frankfurt ,
Klaus-Mann- Platz
Plaza design and bronze sculpture; Design: Rosemarie Trockel "Homosexual \ men and women \ were persecuted and murdered under \ National Socialism \ - \ The crimes \ were denied \ those killed in silence \ the survivors \ despised and condemned \ - \ We remember this \ in the awareness \ that men \ the men love \ and women \ who love women \ can \ be persecuted again and again \ - \ Frankfurt am Main \ December 1994 " Initiative memorial homosexual persecution e. V., realized through nationwide donations and support from the city of Frankfurt, the Hessian Cultural Foundation and the Hannchen-Mehr Zweck-Stiftung Frankfurt angel
Granite sculpture "Rosa Winkel"
memorial stone for homosexual victims of Nazi Germany
1995 Cologne ,
banks of the Rhine (Rheingarten)
at the Hohenzollern Bridge
Granite sculpture made of two pink blocks between two gray blocks, design: Achim Zinkann "Killed to death \ hushed up \\ the gay \ and lesbian \ victims of \ national \ socialism" AK Homosexuality of the trade union ÖTV (now Verdi) Cologne, realized through donations Granite sculpture "Rosa Winkel", Cologne
Granite stone with "pink angle" 1999 Anchorage (Alaska),
Municipal Cemetery
Black gravestone with inscription and a pink triangle on the upper edge "Your Spirit Lives \ on, in \ Love, Peace and Pride"
(Your spirit lives on, in love, peace and pride)
Anchorage Gay Community, realized with the support of Dan Cook AKA Empress XVIII Cherresse, HIM Peggy Murphy and Emperor VII
Sculpture "Pink Angle" 2001 Sydney ,
Green Park in Darlinghurt
Illuminated glass / metal sculpture, idea: Kitty Fischer "We remember you have suffered or died at the hands of others. Women who have loved women, men who have loved men, and all of those who have refused the roles others have expected us to play. Nothing shall purge your deaths from our memories. "
(We remember those who suffered or died at the hands of others. Women who loved women, men who loved men, and all those who rejected the roles, that others expected us to play. Nothing will erase your death from our memories.)
Gay activist group made possible by donations Sculpture "Pink Angle", Sydney
Pink Triangle Park and Memorial 2001 San Francisco Sculpture made of 15 gray granite steles and a triangular surface graveled with pink quartz, which point to Harvey Milk Plaza ; Design: Robert Bruce and Susan Martin Eureka Valley Promotion Association (neighborhood association of the Castro, Upper Market, and Duboce neighborhoods) with support from the Department of Public Works and the San Francisco Arts Commission Pink Triangle Park and Memorial
Memorial plaque with "pink angle" 2005 Risiera di San Sabba concentration camp
( Trieste )
Black granite tablet with inscription and a pink triangle "Contro tutte le discriminazioni \ Il Circolo Arcobaleno AcriGay AcriLesbia di Trieste \ Ricorda le vittime omosessuali del nazifascismo \ 27 Genniao 2005"
(Against all discrimination. The Rainbow District, ArciGay, ArciLesbica Trieste in memory of the homosexual victims of Nazi fascism, 27 January 2005)
Il Circolo Arcobaleno, ArciGay & ArciLesbica Trieste Memorial plaque, Trieste
Monolith with "pink angle" 2005 Montevideo (Uruguay),
Plaza de la Diversidad Sexual
Monolith with "pink angle" made of marble and with an inscription "Honrar la diversidad \ es honrar la vida \ - \ Montevideo por el respeto \ a todo género, identidad \ y orientación sexual \ - \ Ano 2005"
( Honoring diversity means honoring life. Montevideo for respect for all genders, Identities and Sexual Orientations, in 2005)
Uruguayan gay, lesbian and transgender groups Monolith with "Pink Angle", Montevideo
Memorial stone with "pink angle" 2006 Buchenwald Concentration Camp
( Thuringia )
White memorial stone with an inscription and a pink triangle on top, slightly protruding from the ground “In memory of the gay men who suffered here. \ - \ 650 Rosa-Winkel prisoners were imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp from 1937 to 1945. \ Many of them perished. ”
Including the same thing again in English.
Evangelical Church in Central Germany Memorial stone, Buchenwald concentration camp
Memorial for the homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism 2008 Berlin ,
Great Tiergarten
Monument made of gray concrete cuboid with integrated video clip; Design: Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset Information board with detailed text. Initiative “Commemorate the homosexual victims of National Socialism” and the Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany (LSVD), realized with funds from the Federal Minister of State for Culture. Memorial for the homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism, Berlin
Memorial for homosexual victims of the Nazi regime 2013 Nuremberg ,
Stainless steel stele, 2.98 × 1.25; Design: Christof Popp . The design of the stele corresponds to the memorial stelae on the former Nazi party rally grounds and the stelae for the victims of the euthanasia program of the National Socialists and the victims of the National Socialist Underground in Nuremberg. Detailed text and pictures. Prepared by the city of Nuremberg at the request of the parliamentary group of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. The initiative came from Fliederlich eV and Geschichte Für Alle eV, who have been conducting city tours on the subject of "homosexuals under the swastika" since 2000.
Memorial to homosexual victims of the Nazi dictatorship. 2014 Tel Aviv , Israel Monument in the shape of a pink angle Inscription in Hebrew, English and German:
"To the victims of National Socialism who were persecuted for their sexual orientation and gender identity"
Issued by the city of Tel Aviv The memorial for homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism was inaugurated on January 10, 2014 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Memorial to homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism in Lübeck 2016 Lübeck The memorial plaque is made of gray cast iron (gray cast iron) and is 160 cm wide, 60 cm high and 4 cm thick.
Artist: Erich Lethgau
"In memory of the people who were persecuted and murdered under National Socialism because of their homosexual identity" On the initiative of Lübeck CSD eV and realized by the Hanseatic City of Lübeck and private donors. Memorial to homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism in Lübeck
Memorial to the lesbians and gays persecuted under National Socialism 2017 Munich Colorful concrete slabs were placed on 90 square meters - a symbol that “everyone has their place in society”.

Unrealized projects

In Vienna , the Morzinplatz memorial (former location of the Gestapo control center) was temporarily extended in 1999 by a wooden beam with a pink and a black corner. A private memorial for queer -NS victims should have been opened of 2007. In the meantime, the project seems to have failed due to technical problems. In 2019, the Resselpark was set as the new location for the memorial for homosexual victims in the Nazi era. In April 2020 a jury is to determine the winning project of a competition.

Other forms of remembrance

There are now some stumbling blocks that remind of homosexual concentration camp victims:

Commons : Stumbling blocks for homosexuals  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

At the instigation of the Les “Oublié (e) s” de la Mémoire association , a street in Toulouse was named after Pierre Seel in 2008 . The street sign was inaugurated on February 23, 2008. In 2008 a square in Vienna was named after Heinz Heger .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. The West: Israel inaugurates first memorial for homosexual Nazi victims
  2. Lübeck gets a memorial for homosexuals
  3. Memorial for homosexual Nazi victims in Vienna . In: Der Standard , May 15, 2006
  4. ↑ The Vienna memorial for homosexual Nazi victims failed . In: Der Standard , December 18, 2009, first report on technical problems: memorial for homosexual Nazi victims fails due to color that is “suitable for everyday use”
  5. Resselpark: Memorial for homosexual Nazi victims . Article dated June 10, 2019, accessed June 10, 2019.
  6. Press release -, February 24, 2008 (French)
  7. SPÖ and Greens: Common symbol of remembrance at Zimmermannplatz in Alsergrund , March 17, 2008