Planalto Central do Brasil

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As Planalto Central do Brasil ( German : Central Highlands of Brazil ) is called a huge plateau in the center of Brazil.

The short form Planalto is more common and is also used for the various government buildings in Brasília , such as B. uses the Palácio do Planalto , but primarily characterizes the large Brazilian plateau , which extends over the federal district with Brasília as the capital in the state of Goiás and part of Minas Gerais , Tocantins , Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul .

The point of the highest elevation is the point Pouso Alto on the parallel of 14 degrees south, in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park , north of Brasília , at 1676 m.

The Planalto Central do Brasil has a great hydropower potential, available through the many rivers, especially with the Rio Araguaia and Rio Tocantins . Closed ecosystems and the rainforest exist in the region .

Individual evidence

  1. Brazil Travel: Chapada dos Veadeiros . Accessed August 6, 2016