Pluto (semi-submersible)

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Pluto p1
Ship data
Ship type Semi-submersible submarine
Launch 2012
Ship dimensions and crew
13.7 m ( Lüa )
crew 4 men (max)
Machine system
machine Diesel engine
Mission data submarine
10 kn (19 km / h)
10 kn (19 km / h)

Pluto is a semi-submersible of the Department of Homeland Security of the United States and in the Directorate for Science and Technology . It is used to simulate drug submarines .

The ship is named after the dwarf planet Pluto . The ship has the characteristics of the so-called narco subs . The ship's home port is Eglin Air Force Base , near Fort Walton Beach , Florida . It is the 46th Test Squadron of the US Air Force entertained. Various military and civil users test their exploration skills on the boat. The US Coast Guard , Customs and Border Protection / Air and Marine (CBP / OAM), the US Navy , the US Air Force and others are testing their remote sensing capabilities at Pluto in the Gulf of Mexico , the Atlantic and the Pacific . The Customs and Border Protection used Pluto to test the capabilities of their De Havilland DHC-8 . The Navy tested its Lockheed P-3 maritime patrol radar system on the boat.

Pluto is over 13 meters long and reaches a speed of ten knots . The ship is designed for three to four people. It has VHF and shortwave radio . The exact specifications of the ship are confidential.

Individual evidence

  1. Homeland Security's 'narco sub' PLUTO mimics the real thing , Homeland Security.