Pobrzeże Gdańskie

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Map of the Pobrzeże Gdańskie

The Pobrzeże Gdańskie (313.5) is a geomorphological macro-region in Poland .

The region extends along the Gdańsk Bay over the coastal areas of the Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships . It is part of the higher-level regions Pobrzeża Południowobałtyckie (313; translated South Baltic Coast ) and this in turn of the Central European Lowlands (31; Polish Niż Środkowoeuropejski).

The Pobrzeże Gdańskie macroregion covers around 4500 km² around the Gdańsk Bay and is divided into the following mesoregions:

  • Pobrzeże Kaszubskie (313.51)
  • Mierzeję Helską (313.52; see Hel peninsula )
  • Mierzeja Wiślana (313.53; extended Danzig Spit )
  • Żuławy Wiślane (313.54; reduced Vistula - Nogat Delta )
  • Wysoczyznę Elbląską (313.55; Elbinger Höhe )
  • Równina Warmińska (313.56)
  • Wybrzeże Staropruskie (313.57)



  1. The decimal classification number in brackets.