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Nogat near Malbork

Nogat near Malbork

location Poland
River system Vistula
origin Junction from the Vistula at Biała Góra
53 ° 54 ′ 43 ″  N , 18 ° 52 ′ 47 ″  E
muzzle Frisches Haff Coordinates: 54 ° 16 ′ 30 ″  N , 19 ° 16 ′ 20 ″  E 54 ° 16 ′ 30 ″  N , 19 ° 16 ′ 20 ″  E
Mouth height m

length 62 km
Catchment area 1330 km²
Drain MNQ
20 m³ / s
30 m³ / s
Right tributaries Liwa (love)
Medium-sized cities Malbork

The Nogat is a 62 km long estuary of the Vistula , which, unlike the main arm, does not flow into the Gdańsk Bay , but into the Fresh Lagoon .

River course

Location of the Nogat in the Vistula Delta

The Nogat branches off from the Vistula at Biała Góra (Weißenberg) and shortly afterwards absorbs the water of the Liwa (love) . Then it strives via Malbork (Marienburg) to the northeast or in the direction of Elbing , but without reaching the city: A little northwest of it the Nogat flows into the southwest part of the Frischer Haff .

The catchment area of the Nogat covers 1,330 km².

From 1920 to 1939 the Nogat formed the state border between the German Reich ( East Prussia ) and the Free City of Danzig . In this capacity, the river plays a role in the biography of Marion Countess Dönhoff .

Source river

The Nogat was not always connected to the Vistula, but at times drew all of its water from the Liwa (love). This flows from Prabuty (giant castle) first west and then south to Kwidzyn (Marienwerder) , where it bends north in a U-shaped course. From then on it flows northwards parallel to or east of the Vistula to flow into the Nogat in Biała Góra (Weißenberg) .


Cities on their course are:

Cities are in their neighborhood

The city lies on the Liwa


in order of appearance
  • August Eduard Preuss : Prussian country and folklore or description of Prussia. A manual for primary school teachers in the province of Prussia, as well as for all friends of the fatherland . Bornträger Brothers, Königsberg 1835, pp. 23–24.
  • CE Rhode: The Elbinger Kreis in topographical, historical and statistical terms. In addition to 7 cards on 2 sheets. AW Kafemann, Danzig 1871, pp. 7-10, paragraphs 9-11.
  • Hermann Bindemann: The branch of the Nogat from the Vistula. Saunier, Danzig 1903. (E-Copy: urn : nbn: de: gbv: 9-g-4881432 in the digital library Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

Web links

Commons : Nogat  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikivoyage: Nogat  - travel guide


  1. Federal Agency for Civic Education: Vistula : "1371: Due to a flood, the Nogat, ..., again becomes an estuary of the Vistula."