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Pognerée was a French measure of volume in Montpellier . The measure is given very differently in the literature, and so at least three different values ​​have become known.

As so-called fruit measure

  • 1 Pognerée = 4.4 liters
  • 12 Pognerées = 1 Setier = 52.05 liters (= 41.159 liters)
  • 32 pognerées = 4 quart = 1 setier = 41.158 liters
  • 12 pognerées = 4 quarts = 1 setier = 2074.88 Parisian cubic inches = 41.158 liters

Individual proof e

  1. ^ JH Kaltschmidt: The latest and most complete foreign dictionary to explain all words and expressions borrowed from foreign languages. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1870, p. 673.
  2. ^ Heinrich August Pierer : Pierer's Universal Lexicon of the Past and Present. Volume 12, AP Pierer publishing house, Altenburg 1831, p. 196.
  3. ^ Association of practical merchants: The latest illustrated trade and goods lexicon or encyclopedia of the entire trade sciences for merchants and manufacturers. Volume 4, Verlag Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1857, p. 139.
  4. ^ Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight. Verlag J. Hölscher, Koblenz 1862, p. 349.
  5. ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 685.