Polish Physical Society

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The Polish Physical Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne, PTF) was established in 1920 soon after the establishment of the Polish state.

The establishment was initiated by the physicist Józef Wierusz-Kowalski , who established physics at the University of Warsaw, was a member of the Warsaw Scientific Society, which had existed since 1907 (to which important scientists such as Kazimierz Żorawski and Józef Boguski belonged at the time) and was involved in the founding of Technical University in Warsaw was significantly involved, where he became a professor. He was a student of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , had been the rector of the University of Friborg in Switzerland and had introduced Marie Curie, a close friend of his wife, to her future husband Pierre Curie in Paris. He first founded the Warsaw Physical Society in 1919 and on April 11, 1920 the first meeting of the Polish Physical Society with branches in Warsaw, Vilnius, Cracow and Lviv took place. Around 200 members met at the first national convention in Warsaw in 1923.

There is a strong school-level physics education section that has been organizing physics Olympics since 1950. This also resulted in the International Physics Olympiads (the first in 1967 in Warsaw).

From 1923 reports of the society were published, which from 1932 called Acta Physica Polonica . Initially it was published in Polish, from 1933 in the journal only in common foreign languages ​​with Polish summaries. Its official journal is Postępy Fizyki (Advances in Physics), founded in 1949 , which is published twice a month with an English summary of Polish articles. You are also involved in the publication of other magazines: the popular science magazine Delta , which has appeared monthly since 1974, and the magazine Foton , which has been published since 1991 , both for schoolchildren, the bi-monthly journal on physics didactics at schools Fizyka w Szkole (physics at school), and the Magazines for students and teachers Fizyka i Przyroda (Physics and Nature) and Moja Fizyka (My Physics).

Your most important prize is the Marian Smoluchowski Medal , named after the important theoretical physicist Marian Smoluchowski , who developed a theory of Brownian motion parallel to Albert Einstein . With the DPG , she has been awarding the Marian Smoluchowski Emil Warburg Physics Prize since 1997 .

Honorary members include Marie Curie , Frédéric Joliot-Curie , Alfred Kastler and Aleksander Jabłoński .

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Individual evidence

  1. Sometimes the abbreviation PPS is also used after English