Polska Konfederacja Pracodawców Prywatnych Lewiatan

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The association has been based in the Sielce Palace in the Mokotów district of Warsaw since 2012

The Polska Konfederacja Pracodawców Prywatnych Lewiatan (abbreviation: PKPP Lewiatan ; German: Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan ) is a non-governmental organization in Poland . It was founded on January 7, 1999 in Warsaw and, as an employers' association, represents the interests of private Polish companies. Henryka Bochniarz has served as president since the organization was founded . The chairman of the supervisory board ( Rada Główna ) is the cosmetics entrepreneur Henryk Orfinger. Members are around 30 regional and industry associations each, which represent around 3,500 companies. In addition, around 25 companies (such as the Polish subsidiaries of Boeing , Dell , Google , Philip Morris , Orange , Siemens and Tesco ) have directly joined the organization; in total, companies with 700,000 jobs are represented. In Poland, the umbrella association has been part of the trilateral commission for socio-economic issues ( Trójstronna Komisja do Spraw Społeczno-Gospodarczych ), in which it is also represented as a collective bargaining party. PKPP Lewiatan is the only Polish member of the European employers' association Businesseurope .

The association gives two awards a year. A prize named after Andrzej Wierzbicki is given to a successful entrepreneur who is committed to social issues beyond his own company. The Władysław Grabski Award honors a person who, in a public office, has given significant impetus to the further development of the Polish economy and entrepreneurship.

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