Pomeranian document book

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The Pomeranian Document Book ( short: PUB, more rarely: PUB) is a document book on the medieval history of Pomerania . It brings together the texts of all the diplomatic sources on the history of this territory from the first written records to the beginning of the 14th century. It is currently considered an important source edition on the medieval history of Pomerania and represents one of the most important basic works of Pomeranian historical research for the period under review.

11 volumes have been published since 1868, the last being the 11th volume in 1990. The first volume was published in 1970 in the second edition, revised by the historian Klaus Conrad .


  • Volume 1. Dept. 1: Robert Klempin : 786–1253. Regesta, corrections and additions to Hasselbach's and Kosegarten's Codex Pomeraniae diplomaticus. Commissioned by Th. Von der Rahmer, Stettin 1868. ( Digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library ) MDZ Munich
  • Volume 1. Section 2: Rodgero Prümers: Annals and abbot series of the Colbatz monastery, death book and abbot series of the Neuencamp monastery, persons and place registers. In: Commission at Th. Von der Rahmer, Stettin 1877 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library ) Digital Library Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • Volume 1, 2nd edition: Klaus Conrad: 786–1253 / Part 1. Certificates. Cologne and Vienna 1970.
  • Volume 1, 2nd edition: Klaus Conrad: 786–1253 / part 2nd register. Cologne and Vienna 1970.
  • Volume 2. Section 1: Rodgero Prümers: 1254-1278. In: Commission at Th. Von der Rahmer, Stettin 1881 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska digital library )
  • Volume 2. Section 2: Rodgero Prümers: 1278-1286. In: Commission at Th. Von der Rahmer, Stettin 1885 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska digital library )
  • Volume 3. Department 1: Rodgero Prümers: 1287-1295. Friedr. Nagelsche Buchhandlung, Stettin 1888 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library )
  • Volume 3. Section 2: Rodgero Prümers: 1296–1300: with person, place and subject index for the II. III volume. Friedr. Nagel (Paul Niekammer), Stettin 1891 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library )
  • Volume 4. Section 1: Georg Winter : 1301–1306. Paul Niekammer, Stettin 1902 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library )
  • Volume 4. Section 2: Georg Winter: 1307-1310. Paul Niekammer, Stettin 1903 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska digital library )
  • Volume 5. Section 1: Otto Heinemann: 1311-1316. Paul Niekammer, Stettin 1903 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska digital library )
  • Volume 5. Section 2: Otto Heinemann: 1317-1320. Paul Niekammer, Stettin 1905 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library )
  • Volume 6, Section 1: Otto Heinemann: 1321-1324. Paul Niekammer, Stettin 1906 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library )
  • Volume 6. Section 1: Otto Heinemann: 1325. In addition to supplements and additions to Volume I-VI, 1. Paul Niekammer, Stettin 1907 ( digitized in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library )
  • Volume 7: Hans Frederichs u. Erich Sandow: 1326-1330. With supplements to volumes 1–7. Aalen 1958.
  • Volume 8: Erwin Assmann : 1331-1335 , Cologne 1961
  • Volume 9: Brigitte Poschmann : 1326-1335. Register for volumes 7 and 8. Cologne 1962.
  • Volume 10: Klaus Conrad: 1336–1340 / Part 1. Documents. Cologne 1984.
  • Volume 10: Klaus Conrad: 1336-1340 / Part 2. Register. Cologne 1984.
  • Volume 11: 1341–1345 / Part 1. Documents. Cologne 1990.
  • Volume 11: 1341-1345 / Part 2. Register. Cologne 1990.


  • Klaus Conrad: The importance of the Pomeranian document book for historical research. In: A thousand years of Pomeranian history. Böhlau Verlag , 1999, ISBN 3-412-13397-3 , pp. 125-143.
  • Norbert Kersken: The Pomeranian Document Book - an interim balance. In: Status, tasks and perspectives of territorial document books in eastern Central Europe. Herder Institute , Marburg 1998, ISBN 3-87969-259-9 , pp. 51-60.
  • Roderich Schmidt : History of the Pomeranian document book. In: Status, tasks and perspectives of territorial document books in eastern Central Europe. Herder Institute, Marburg 1998, ISBN 3-87969-259-9 , S, pp. 43-50.
  • Joachim Zdrenka: Supplements to the Pomeranian document book. In: Baltic Studies . Volume 82, Marburg 1996, pp. 42–51 ( digitized version in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania digital library)

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