Porcius Festus

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Porcius Festus († 62 AD ) was a Roman knight who was in command in Judea from 60 to 62 AD .

It is unclear whether Festus, as praefectus, was subordinate to the governor of Syria , or whether he can be regarded as the presidential procurator of an independent province of Judea . The peace efforts during his tenure were unsuccessful. Because from the summer of 62 under Festus' successor Lucceius Albinus , the anti-Roman forces in Judea increased again.

As the biblical narrative in the Acts of the Apostles reports, Festus did not know what to do with the apostle Paul , who had been taken into protective custody by his predecessor Marcus Antonius Felix , and finally left it to the Jewish king Herod Agrippa II to find out what happened to this mysterious one Jesus Christ upon him. When Paul appealed to the Roman emperor Nero , Festus sent him to Rome .

