Portal Tomb by Brittas

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Brittas' Tomb portal - overgrown

That between 4000 and 2500 BC Chr. In the Neolithic built Portal Tomb of Brittas (also called "Grave of the Princess 'or' the Castle Timon dolmen") located in the Town Country Brittas ( Irish At Briotás ) above the Potters River in Kilbride , south of Wicklow in County Wicklow in Ireland . As portal Tombs be megalithic on the British Isles referred to in which two equally high upright stones therebetween with a door stone which form the front of a chamber which is covered with a massive part endstone.

The portal tomb consists of two portal stones, an end stone that leans significantly inward and a relocated cap stone that leans against the northern portal stone and the end stone. A slab that lies between the portal stones can be the relocated door stone. Without vegetation, the grave has hardly changed compared to the watercolor from 1861.

To the north of the river lie / stand the stones of Castletimon . A menhir ( English standing stone ) and an ogham stone .

See also


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Coordinates: 52 ° 54 ′ 4.3 "  N , 6 ° 4 ′ 19.3"  W.