Porto Maravilha

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Porto Maravilha is a series of construction projects that the city of Rio de Janeiro has been carrying out with the support of the state of Rio de Janeiro and the federal government of Brazil since 2010.

Building area and planning goals

The construction area extends along the port of Rio de Janeiro and includes both the port itself and the industrial areas that have arisen there as well as older existing residential areas, such as Gamboa .

The objectives of the planning include changing the traffic structure by demolishing the busy Elevado da Perimetral and replacing it with the new construction of the Binário do Porto , which was partially led through tunnels parallel to the old elevated road . When the Binario went into operation on November 2, 2013, the old Elevado was closed.

The construction of 17 km of cycle paths is also intended to change the flow of traffic. Another goal is to improve and rebuild the existing water, sewer and drainage pipes and to create a fiberglass network for communication. The environment is to be improved by planting 15,000 trees and building 3 new sewage treatment plants .

Construction phases

The first construction phase, financed by the public sector, began in 2010 with the gradual demolition of the elevated road and its replacement by tunnels. For this purpose, the central square Praça XV , over which the elevated road ran, was blocked. The square was reopened in 2016 after about two years of construction and today it is part of the Orla Conde , a public promenade on Guanabara Bay . The program also includes the construction of two museums, including the Museu de Arte de Rio (MAR), which opened in March 2013. It also includes the construction of the Olympic sports port for the 2016 Games , as well as other public buildings such as beach promenades, parks (renovation of the Valongo Hanging Gardens, which were laid out in 1906 ) or the new construction of the headquarters of Banco Central do Brasil . The estimated cost is 139 million reais .

In the second phase, up to 7.6 billion reals are to be invested in 15 sections with the help of public-private partnerships (PPP).

In 2012, the company of real estate investor Donald Trump announced the construction of five 38-story residential and office buildings , which should be completed for the 2016 Summer Games. The overall project with 322,000 square meters of offices and apartments is expected to cost 2.6 billion US dollars and includes the construction of pedestrian tunnels, cycle paths and the relocation of the approx. 1000 current residents on the construction site.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Five Trump Towers for Rio before the summer games in FAZ of December 28, 2012, p. 39