Pourtalesia hispida

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Pourtalesia hispida
Class : Sea urchin (Echinoidea)
Subclass : Euechinoidea
Order : Holasteroid
Family : Pourtalesiidae
Genre : Pourtalesia
Type : Pourtalesia hispida
Scientific name
Pourtalesia hispida
A. Agassiz , 1879

Pourtalesia hispida is a representative of the irregular sea ​​urchins from the family Pourtalesiidae. The species lives in the benthos of the soft sediments in the deep sea and has been found in the Antarctic Ocean at depths between 1150 and 3630 m.


The Pourtalesiids are irregular sea urchins, i. H. the animals are bilaterally symmetrical . The animals reach a length of 60 mm. The housing of this type is extremely thin and almost transparent. The aboral side is bulging while the oral side is flattened. The posterior end of the animal tapers to form a small, conical subanalrostrum that is surrounded by a subanal fasciole. The spines are sawed and arranged in horizontal rows.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Pourtalesia hispida A. Agassiz, 1879. Retrieved May 1, 2019 .
  2. a b Schultz, Heinke AG: Handbook of Zoology. Echinoidea: with bilateral symmetry. Irregularia. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin, ISBN 3-11-036853-6 , p. 131 .