Auditor group

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In mathematics , especially in group theory , for a prime p, each is called a multiplicative group

isomorphic group a p - examiner group or a p - quasi-cyclic group . consists of the complex roots of unity , the order of which is a power of p .

It is an Abelian , countable group.

According to the definition, the p -tester groups are isomorphic to one another, therefore one simply speaks of the p -tester group without further specification . It is said that a group G is a group of auditors if there is a prime p there, so G a p -Prüfergruppe is. The examiner groups for different prime numbers are not isomorphic.

The examiner groups are named in honor of the mathematician Heinz Prüfer .

Equivalent Definitions

Let p be a prime number and G a group. Each of the following five properties is equivalent to G being a p -assignment group, and each of these properties can therefore be used as the definition of the auditing group.

a) G is isomorphic to the factor group , wherein the of the rational numbers with formed sub-group of designated.

Proof: The homomorphism is surjective and has the core .

b) G is isomorphic to the factor group , where F is the free Abelian group (i.e. the free - module ) with a countable infinite base and R is the subgroup of F generated by .

c) G has a presentation

Proof: Let L be a free (non-Abelian) group over a countable basis and S the normal divisor generated by . For every natural number j is the canonical image of in . It is clear that of any two of the elements one is a power of the other, that is, they interchange with one another. Since they generate is Abelian, in other words, S contains the commutator group K (L) . According to the second isomorphism, is isomorphic to . Now there is a free, Abelian group (free as an Abelian group) with the images of the elements as a base in and is generated by. Now you close with b).

d) G has a generating system such that , and for all .

e) G is the association of an ascending order , where C n for each index n a cyclic group of order p n is.


  • Every real subgroup of a reviewer group is cyclic and especially finite . The panel has for each number n just a subgroup of order p n . The number of subgroups of an examiner group is well-ordered through the inclusion . The examiner group is therefore not essential as a module .
  • An infinite Abelian group is a reviewer group if and only if it is isomorphic to every factor group according to a real subgroup.
  • The examiner groups are divisible . Their meaning is evident from the following sentence:
Every divisible, Abelian group is isomorphic to a (finite or infinite) direct sum , in which every summand is a tester group or isomorphic to the additive group of rational numbers.
For example, the additive group is the direct sum of its p - Sylow groups , which are nothing other than the p - tester groups.

Individual evidence

  1. J. Calai: Éléments de théorie des groupes , Chapter IV, Exercise. 34, page 172
  2. ^ DJS Robinson : A Course in the Theory of Groups , Springer-Verlag 1996, ISBN 0-387-94461-3 , page 94: Quasicyclic Groups
  3. ^ JJ Rotman: An Introduction to the Theory of Groups , 4th edition 1999, sentence 10.13 and exercise 10.5
  4. J. Calais: Éléments de théorie des groupes , Presses universitaires de France, Paris 1984, Chapter IV, Exercise 34, page 172
  5. ^ B. Baumslag et B. Chandler, Group Theory , Mc-Graw Hill, 1968, Theorem 6.31, p. 206
  6. ^ That every group of examiners has this quality can be found in J. Calais: Éléments de théorie des groupes , Presses universitaires de France, Paris 1984, Chapter IV, Exercise. 34, f), page 172. For the reversal, see JJ Rotman: An Introduction to the Group Theory , 4th edition 1999, exerc. 10.40, iii, p. 330
  7. ^ JJ Rotman: An Introduction to the Group Theory , 4th edition 1999, sentence 10.28, page 323
  8. ^ DJS Robinson: A Course in the Theory of Groups , Springer-Verlag 1996, ISBN 0-387-94461-3 , sentence 4.1.5